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Educator Effectiveness

Frequently Asked Questions

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Key Resources

Communications and Collaborations

Early Literacy in Educator Preparation


  • See the Edwin Resources page for an overview, user guides, and interactive resources for Edwin reports.
  • How is Edwin data used in the formal review?
    • During the formal review process, DESE and the external review team will consider the state-collected data in Edwin as once source of information during the Initial Inquiry Stage. Organizations will have an opportunity to supplement or contextualize these data, along with other evidence collected during the Initial Inquiry, during the Follow-Up Inquiry Stage. The Formal Review Planning Guides provide additional information.

ELAR and Security Portal

Endorsements and Endorsement Import Spreadsheets

  • When should our organization endorse someone for licensure?
  • How should we endorse for licensure?
  • A candidate from years ago is requesting endorsement, what should I do?
    • If the completer met all requirements at the time of program completion and would have been endorsed at the time, the sponsoring organization has the authority to endorse the completer retroactively.
  • I made a mistake! How do I correct someone's endorsement?
  • Why is my import showing warnings or not uploading?
  • Batch Lists for Expediting License Application Reviews
    • What is the purpose of the batch list?
      • A batch list is an option to expedite the review of license applications that have been waiting in the queue for over two weeks. If your candidate has successfully submitted their license application and have not had any updates on their license application, then you can submit a batch list to have their application expedited for review from the Office of Educator Licensure. This is distinct from a batch endorsement. For information about submitting batch endorsements, see the Sponsoring Organization User Guide and tutorial located on the HELP page in ELAR.
    • How can I submit a batch list?
      • Once you have endorsed your program completers in ELAR and they have not received updates on their license application for over two weeks, then you can send us a list of the program completers.
      • You can use the Word document and send it to . Please only submit Word documents, as PDFs will not be accepted.
    • How will I know when a batch list has been processed?
      • You will receive an email from us once the Office of Educator Licensure has reviewed the list.

Field-Based Experiences: Pre-Practicum

  • What are the requirements for pre-practicum for teacher candidates?
  • What are the requirements for pre-practicum for candidates in non-teacher licensure programs?
    • According to 603 CMR 7.04(4), pre-practicum "must begin early in the preparation program (pre-practicum) and be integrated into the courses or seminars that address Professional Standards for Teachers or Professional Standards for Administrators, in accordance with the Pre-Practicum Guidelines."
  • Can we provide pre-practicum host teachers with PDPs in recognition of their time supporting our candidates?

Field-Based Experiences: Practicum Hours and Settings

  • Requirements
    • How many hours are practicum hours are required for candidates in various licenses? How many hours of full responsibility?
  • Settings
    • What settings are appropriate for practicum experiences?
      • According to 603 CMR 7.04(4), "All practicum/practicum equivalents shall be completed within a Massachusetts public school, approved private special education school, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care approved preschool, educational collaborative, or a school that requires Massachusetts educator licensure."
      • The 2023 Program Approval Criteria sets additional expectations for the settings candidates should experience across their pre-practicum and practicum experiences:
        • FBE 1: The Sponsoring Organization ensures that pre-practicum and practicum placements expose all candidates to a range of settings, including settings with:
          • access to high-quality curricular materials;
          • diversity of students (including racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, linguistic diversity, and diversity of ability);
          • opportunities to integrate candidates into all components of the school community (e.g., staff meetings, professional development, family engagement opportunities); and
          • anti-racist and culturally and linguistically sustaining school cultures.
    • What if the practicum setting doesn't fully meet these expectations?
      • If the most appropriate practicum setting does not meet regulatory requirements, the sponsoring organization must document the deviation from the requirements along with a specific rationale for the individual candidate. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
      • If the most appropriate setting for an individual candidate does not allow for exposure to all required aspects for placements described in the 2023 Program Approval Criteria, it is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to directly support the candidate in interrogating gap(s) within the specific setting and providing additional resources in that area. DESE may request evidence of these additional resources at the time of an interim or formal review.
  • Split Practicum
    • What are the requirements for split practicum experiences in PK–2 Early Childhood programs? In Moderate and Severe Disabilities programs? For "All Levels" Teacher licenses?
      • Per 603 CMR 7.04(4):
      • Candidates for an Early Childhood license must complete 300 hours, including 100 hours in PreK–K, 200 hours in 1–2; at least one setting must include children with disabilities.
      • Candidates for a Moderate Disabilities PK–2/PK–8 license must complete 300 hours in an inclusive general education setting or 75 hours in an inclusive general education setting and 225 hours in a separate or substantially separate setting for students with moderate disabilities.
      • Candidates for a Moderate Disabilities 5–12 license must complete 300 hours in an inclusive general education classroom or 150 hours in an inclusive general education classroom and 150 hours in a separate or substantially separate setting for students with moderate disabilities.
      • Candidates for Severe Disabilities must complete a total of 300 hours, with at least 75 hours in an inclusive general education classroom at any level, and at least 150 hours in a setting with students with severe disabilities; the remaining 75 hours may be in either setting.
      • Candidates for Initial licensure for "All Levels" must complete a minimum of 150 hours at each of any two of the following levels: PreK–6, 5–8, 8–12.
    • How do we complete CAP in split practicum settings?
      • There are two options for implementing CAP in split practicum settings, a single placement option or a cross-placement option. See Appendix G: CAP Requirements in Split Practicum Setting in the Guidelines for CAP for information.

Field-Based Experiences: Practicum Supervision

  • What are the requirements for someone to be a supervising practitioner? What if my organization cannot find a supervising practitioner that meets requirements?
    • Per 603 CMR 7.02:
      • "A supervising practitioner is the educator who has at least three full years of experience under an appropriate Initial or Professional license and has received an evaluation rating of proficient or higher, under whose immediate supervision the candidate for licensure practices during a practicum. For the educator of record, a comparably qualified educator will function as the supervising practitioner during the practicum equivalent."
    • The 2023 Program Approval Criteria set additional expectations for supervising practitioners:
      • FBE 2: The Sponsoring Organization identifies, selects, and matches Supervising Practitioners who:
        • model evidence-based instructional practices, including anti-racist and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices;
        • effectively and equitably support candidates from all races, ethnicities, identity groups, and backgrounds; and
        • commit to meeting the Sponsoring Organization's expectations of the role.
      • FBE 3: The Sponsoring Organization supports and monitors all Supervising Practitioners and Program Supervisors to ensure that all candidates receive robust and equitable supervision in their licensure field, including high-quality feedback and evaluation that prepare them to be effective educators.
    • If the best supervising practitioner for a candidate does not meet regulatory requirements, this deviation must be documented with a waiver. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
    • If a sponsoring organization is unable to find a supervising practitioner that meets all of the expectations in the 2023 Program Approval Criteria, the Guidelines states, "All Supervising Practitioners must effectively and equitably support all candidates and must commit to meeting the Sponsoring Organization's expectations of their role. If an individual candidate is unable to be matched with a Supervising Practitioner that models evidence-based instructional practices, including anti-racist and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices, despite attempts by the Sponsoring Organization to find such a Supervising Practitioner, it is the responsibility of the organization to directly support the candidate with additional resources or guidance in that area. DESE may request evidence of this support at the time of an interim or formal review."
  • Can we provide supervising practitioners with PDPs in recognition of their time supporting our candidates?
  • What are the requirements for someone to be a program supervisor?
    • Program supervisors are identified, hired, and trained by individual sponsoring organizations. Organizations can set requirements for this role. All program supervisors must be able to support candidates in alignment with the 2023 Program Approval Criteria.

Field-Based Experiences: Candidate Assessment of Performance

  • What are the requirements for CAP implementation in 2024-2025? Where can I learn more about the updates to CAP and the PSTs?
  • How do we use the student survey if piloting the 2024 CAP?
    • Student feedback is a required evidence source in CAP. The Student Feedback Survey has not yet been updated to align with the 2024 CAP. Organizations may choose to use the existing feedback survey, modify the existing survey, or use an alternative method to gather student feedback.
  • What documentation do we need to retain for Formal Review? For how long?
  • How do we complete CAP in split practicum settings?
    • There are two options for implementing CAP in split practicum settings, a single placement option or a cross-placement option. See Appendix G: CAP Requirements in Split Practicum Setting in the Guidelines for CAP for information.
  • Are wet signatures required for the CAP form?
    • No, wet signatures are not required for any CAP forms or documentation. All forms can be filled out and retained electronically. Word document versions of the forms are provided on the PST and CAP Guidelines page for this purpose.
  • CAP Online Platform
    • Are we required to use the CAP Online Platform? What is our organization's responsibility if we choose to use the CAP Online Platform?
      • The CAP Online Platform is a free, optional tool that sponsoring organizations can use to support CAP implementation. It is not required.
    • Where can I learn more about troubleshooting challenges with the CAP Online Platform?
    • How can I get additional support about the CAP Online Platform?
      • The CAP Online Platform User Guide can provide additional support to all CAP participants (CAP Manager, Program Supervisor, Supervising Practitioner, and Teacher Candidate) as they access the Online Platform.
    • What is the plan for updating the CAP Online Platform?
      • The CAP Online Platform will be updated to align with the 2024 CAP Guidelines. To allow for a variety of implementation timelines during the 2024-2025 academic year, these changes will not take effect until July 2025. For information regarding the use of the CAP Online Platform while piloting the 2024 CAP, see the CAP Online Platform Quick Reference Guide (forthcoming).

Field-Based Experiences: Other Performance Assessments

  • What programs do not require CAP? What are the requirements for performance assessments in programs that do not require CAP?
    • CAP is required for all Initial Teacher licensure programs. Programs leading to endorsement in Specialist Teacher, Professional Support Personnel, or Administrator licenses are not required to use CAP.
    • For these programs, the sponsoring organization create the performance assessment. Organizations must implement performance assessments consistently within and across programs to improve practice and ensure only candidates who are ready for full responsibility in the licensure role complete the program.
    • See Appendix E: Performance Assessments During Practicum/Practicum Equivalent Experiences in the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
  • What records from these performance assessments should be retained for Formal Review?

Field-Based Experiences: Waivers for Field-Based Experiences

  • What changes do I need to document with a waiver? How do I document that?
    • Any changes from the approved program of study and/or program requirements must be documented as a waiver. Each decision to issue a waiver must be made on a case-by-case basis with individual documentation and rationale. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
  • What components of field-based experiences cannot be waived?
    • Sponsoring organizations cannot waive more than one half of the required hours for the practicum/practicum equivalent. The requirement that the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks are used in the practicum/practicum equivalent site cannot be waived. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.


  • What are the requirements for a specific license?
  • How can I contact the Office of Educator Licensure?
    • In addition to their website, licensure resources include our Call Center (781-338-6600), available weekdays, 9:00 am to Noon and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and Walk-in Service Counter (135 Santilli Highway, Everett, weekdays, 8:45 am to 4:45 pm). Please bring a photo ID.
  • Where can I find answers to questions for the Office of Educator Licensure?
  • What are the requirements for Emergency License extensions?


  • Information about the MTEL, including the Alternative Assessment Pilot and draft Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Communication and Literacy Skills Framework can be found on the MTEL page. See the list of MTEL FAQs.
  • Preparation
  • Program Requirements
    • Is passing the MTELs required for program completion? What should we consider when creating our MTEL policies? Can our program change our MTEL policies?
      • The MTEL is a licensure requirement, not a program completion requirement. Approved preparation programs have the authority to determine their own policies regarding MTEL passage and program completion or continuation. Providers that position MTELs as a determining factor in decisions about admission, continuation in, or completion of initial teacher preparation programs should interrogate the implications of this policy. Please refer to the 2023 MTEL Use Advisory for additional information about MTEL policies for approved preparation programs.
  • Required Tests

Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL)

  • Information about the PAL can be found on DESE's website and on the PAL Resources Page.
  • What is my organization allowed to do to support candidates with PAL?
    • Please see the PAL Administrative Field Guide for information about how sponsoring organizations may support candidates in their completion of PAL and what supports are prohibited.

PK–2 Early Childhood Programs

  • For information about practicum requirements for Early Childhood candidates, see the Field-Based Experiences FAQ topic.
  • For information about Early Literacy expectations for Early Childhood programs, see our Early Literacy in Educator Preparation page.

PK–12 School/District Partnership Resources

  • Induction & Mentoring
  • Data related to educator preparation and employment:
    • See the Edwin Resources page for information about using Edwin reports for Massachusetts public employment for program completers (EP702), information on educator evaluation ratings for completers employed in Massachusetts public schools (EP703), and to view survey data from completers' hiring principals (EP704).

Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs) and Professional Standards & Indicators for Administrative Leadership (PSAL)

  • How do the PSTs and PSALs align with expectations for in-service educators?
    • The PSTs are directly aligned with the Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers. These standards also serve as the foundation for the Model Classroom Teacher Evaluation Rubric.
    • The PSALs are directly aligned with the Standards of Effective Administrative Leadership, which serve as the foundation for the Model School-Level Administrator Rubric. The indicators have been differentiated for each licensure area to align closely with the employment role(s).
    • This alignment is intended to create an intentional throughline from preparation through employment and a teacher's ongoing development.
  • What are the different levels of practice?

Program Admission, Advising, Completion

  • Degree Requirements
    • What major(s) do our candidates need to have for our approved program? How many credit hours are required?
    • What do we do if a candidate transfers into our program?
      • Sponsoring organizations have the authority to review an individual candidate's prior coursework and/or work experience and waive otherwise required coursework and/or field-based experiences, including up to half of the practicum or practicum equivalent.
      • Any changes from the approved program of study and/or program requirements must be documented as a waiver. Each decision to issue a waiver must be made on a case-by-case basis with individual documentation and rationale. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
  • Supporting Candidates to Meet Expectations
    • What information should we retain about candidates who have required additional support?
      • During the Formal Review process and, in some cases, interim review processes, DESE will review a sample of artifacts from candidates who have needed additional support or guidance to be successful in their program (including those who were not able to be successful despite receiving additional support or guidance). A template that can be used for these artifacts is available in the Launch Stage Resources. DESE will review these artifacts to understand:
        • When in their program each candidate was identified as needing additional support;
        • By whom the candidate was identified and what led to that identification;
        • What supports were provided to the candidate;
        • How improvement was measured/monitored by the organization; and
        • What the outcome was for the candidate.

Program Approval: Formal Review

  • When is my organization scheduled for its next Formal Review?
  • What happens during a Formal Review?
  • What types of evidence does DESE use to evaluate each criterion?

Program Approval: Informal Review

  • How does my organization get approved for a new licensure program?
  • How does my organization become an approved preparation provider?
    • Refer to the Informal Review Toolkit for information about becoming a new sponsoring organization. Our team will schedule an overview call upon receiving your organization's Intent to Submit form.
  • What are the requirements to put forward a new program?
    • Submission requirements vary by licensure category, field, and grade span. A complete list of submission requirements can be found in the Informal Review Toolkit under "Informal Review Submission."

Program Approval: Early Literacy Reviews

  • Which programs will undergo a review based on the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria? How will DESE review our program to ensure we are meeting the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria? How can I share more information about the early literacy expectations with others at my organization?
    • Please refer to the Early Literacy in Educator Preparation page for the most up-to-date information about the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria, including opportunities, resources, and information about program reviews.
    • The Formal Review Planning Guides include information about how these reviews will be integrated into the formal review in upcoming years.

Program Approval: Other

  • Professional Program Approval
    • What are the expectations for Professional Teacher programs? How can I put forward a new Professional Teacher program?
      • In SY 2024-25, DESE is developing Guidelines for Approved Professional Teacher Programs to create clear expectations for approved Professional Teacher programs. In Fall 2024, we will focus on stakeholder engagement and then will build out a timeline for the revisions. **New Professional Teacher programs will not be accepted for review during this period of development.**
  • Ed Prep Reviewers
    • What is the role of reviewers in the program approval process? What is DESE looking for in a strong reviewer? How can I learn more about becoming a reviewer?
  • MA High Needs Program List
    • What programs are currently on the MA High Needs Program List?
    • When and how does the list get updated?
      • The list of MA High Needs Programs is updated prior to the launch of the Informal Review Cycle each year. The list is created based on a combination of employment/hiring data from MA districts and the current landscape of approved preparation programs in the area.
    • What is the impact of a program being on the MA High Needs Program List?
      • If a program is identified as being a MA High Needs Program, the Needs Assessment process for both Informal Review and for low-completer programs undergoing Formal Review is streamlined. See the 2024 Needs Assessment Advisory for additional information.

Program Changes and Updates

  • Can I make a change to our approved program? What information does DESE need to know if I make this change to our approved program?
    • Sponsoring organizations have the authority to make changes to approved preparation programs (and are encouraged to use a continuous improvement model to do so!). Changes to courses or seminars, field-based experience requirements, personnel, etc. is collected as part of the State Annual Report. Any organization making substantial changes, including changes to a program's delivery model (e.g., switching from in-person to a hybrid or virtual programs) should reach out to the Ed Prep Inbox at for more information about documenting that change. Also see Appendix I: Massachusetts-based Off-Campus/Satellite Programs, Hybrid (online and face-to-face) and Online Delivery Models in the 2023 Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for more information.
  • What do I need to do if our organization plans to close or expire one or more program?
    • Please reach out to the Ed Prep Inbox at . Our team will work with you to determine a teach-out plan for any currently enrolled candidates and ensure we have the appropriate documentation to expire the program(s).

Record Retention

SEI Courses

Stakeholder Surveys

  • What are the stakeholder surveys? When are they sent out? To whom?
  • How are stakeholder surveys used for formal review?
    • The stakeholder surveys are directly aligned with the surveys used for the same stakeholder groups during formal review. DESE will use the stakeholder surveys to collect additional evidence during the year of an organization's review. This will include sending a modified version of the surveys that include open-ended questions.
  • How can we see our stakeholder survey results?

Subject Matter Knowledge Requirements

  • What are the SMK requirements for specific licenses?
    • The Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) Guidelines describe the expectations for candidates' content knowledge in each licensure program. The SMK matrices for each license also serve as a helpful resource to understand how content fluency is developed within each program at your organization.
  • What is content fluency and how is it different from functional content knowledge? Can we use MTELs as our evidence that candidates are meeting SMK requirements?
    • According to the Subject Matter Guidelines:
      • The MA Curriculum Frameworks for students anchor the expectations of content knowledge for educators. While they serve as an anchor, the intent and expectation are not that educators should simply know the content included in the Frameworks. Rather, educators must move beyond a basic or functional knowledge of the Frameworks to a level of fluency or expertise with the academic standards such that they can teach and support students in mastering the content. The MTEL measures functional content knowledge, which is whether a candidate can apply essential content effectively in a range of contexts. Initial Licensure programs are expected to develop content fluency such that candidates can apply content in a range of contexts and vertically connect content to build students' knowledge.
    • For each content area, additional information about content fluency can be found in the SMK Matrices.

Title II/State Annual Report

  • What are the Title II and State Annual Reports?
    • The Massachusetts State Annual Report (SAR) is collected pursuant to the regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.00), and
    • the Federal Title II Report is collected pursuant to Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Opportunity Act.
    • You can learn more on the Title II and State Annual Reports page.
  • How do organizations submit their reports?
    • Beginning in Spring 2025, organizations submit the SAR report using DESE's survey and the Title II report using USED's website. Links and log-in information will be shared with each organizations' designated contacts.
  • What is the timeline for the Title II and State Annual Reports?
    • Both Title II and State Annual Reporting will open in February and close at the end of April each year.
    • Organizations are encouraged to have complete and accurate information in ELAR for their enrolled students and program completers by October of each year. This will minimize organizations' need to reconcile Pearson's testing data in the spring.
    • Example reporting timeline for SY2024:
      • SY2024 begins September 1, 2023 and ends August 31, 2024.
      • Organizations finalize their ELAR data by October 2024.
      • Organizations complete SAR and Title II reports for SY2024 between February and April 2025.


  • When do I need to use a course waiver? How do I document changes or deviations from the program of study?
    • Any changes from the approved program of study and/or program requirements must be documented as a waiver. Each decision to issue a waiver must be made on a case-by-case basis with individual documentation and rationale. See Appendix J: Implementation of Waivers in Approved Programs from the Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval for additional information.
  • Which portions of the program can't be waived?

Other DESE Resources:

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.