In partnership with University Instructors, LLC, DESE has developed an English as a Second Language (54) MTEL Test Preparation Course. This course is freely available to candidates on the Department's website here: ESL MTEL Test Prep Course. The course consists of 10 modules and includes practice items. This course is relevant to candidates who are preparing to take the English as a Second Language (54) MTEL.
PrepForward is a preferred MTEL preparation vendor. It offers MTEL prep online courses designed specifically to ensure you pass your MTEL exams. They feature targeted lessons, interactive exercises, full-length MTEL practice tests, detailed explanations for every question, rich diagnostic data, unlimited access, and expert instructor support. PrepForward's MTEL preparation courses have been used by educators across Massachusetts.
Courses offered:
Cambridge College is a preferred MTEL preparation vendor for the Digital Literacy/Computer Science MTEL. The Cambridge College Digital Literacy/Computer Science MTEL Preparation Graduate Course (SCI 6017) is targeted at assisting teacher candidates in preparing to take and pass the Massachusetts DLCS 5–12 MTEL test. The course is comprised of 5 live Zoom modules. The five modules are in direct support of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for DLCS:
The course runs for a 5 week period and awards 3 graduate credits.
Cost: $600.00 (with minimum of 10 enrolled)
Contact: Professor John N. Papadonis
The below listed materials are the only official MTEL test preparation resources and are available on the MTEL website at no cost.
Test Information Guides — The booklets familiarize test-takers with the format and content of the tests. The booklets contain detailed information on how to prepare for the tests, including how to develop a study outline and what to expect on the day of the test. The booklets also provide sample test items and responses.
Test Objectives — The objectives list identifies content on the tests. The test objectives can be used to develop a study outline.
Practice Tests — Full-length sample tests that are similar to operational MTEL tests are available for most fields, and include worksheets for calculating a total score and identifying areas for further study. If you are retaking a test, information from your score report about test subarea performance may also be useful for preparation.
Test Preparation Video — The video provides an overview of the study resources available through the MTEL program and how they can be used to help you prepare for the test.
Computer-based Testing Tutorial — The tutorial demonstrates how to navigate a test that is given on computer, how to indicate answers, and how to use the features of a computer-based test.
Educator Preparation Provider Info — Although designed for use by higher education faculty, this guide provides information that may also be helpful to candidates, including additional sample open response items and analyses for the Communication and Literacy Skills and General Curriculum tests.
Below is a list of MTEL test preparation courses offered by Massachusetts colleges and universities. This list is provided solely as a resource. The list does not include all available test preparation courses and inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of its quality or effectiveness in preparing candidates to pass the MTEL. Please contact institutions directly for current schedules and prices.
Colleges and universities that would like to add a preparation course link to this list may email .
See website for workshop options and fees
(MTEL Preparation Workshops : College of Education : UMass Amherst)
Last Updated: December 5, 2024