Educator Effectiveness

Communication and Newsletters

We release a monthly newsletter to keep K12 districts and preparation providers informed about what we are working on, what we are learning, and what we have coming up. We regularly feature research, new resources, MTEL updates, and licensure updates. You can subscribe to our newsletter at DESE Educator Effectiveness Newsletter Subscription Form. Check out our newsletter archive to view previous issues.

We regularly provide email updates about specific Ed Prep topics. To streamline communication, we encourage all of our programs to keep your contact information with us up to date. You can update your organization's contact information using Educator Preparation Contact Information Form.

Sponsoring Organization RoleRequired by DESE or OptionalNotes on the Role & Communication
Ed Prep Decision MakerRequiredLikely the Dean or the Executive Director, this individual has direct authority over licensure programs within your organization. He or she can expect to receive minimal communication (unless also identified as the primary or secondary contact) and will only be included on emails associated with significant announcements.
Sponsoring Organization LeaderRequiredIn smaller organizations, this individual may also be the Ed Prep Decision Maker. In larger, traditional Institutes of Higher Education, this is likely your President/Provost/Chancellor. This individual receives the least amount of communication and is primarily contacted to announce and conclude a period of review.
Secondary Ed Prep ContactOptionalThis individual is CC'd on all communication to the Primary Ed Prep Contact.
Field-Based Experiences ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about field-placement (pre-practicum or practicum) experiences (e.g., new CAP Guidelines).
Licensure ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about licensure, MTEL and/or the Early ID system.
Data ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about the data associated with Ed Prep, including for instance updates on Edwin Analytics, Public Profiles, the release of survey results, etc.
PK12 Partnership ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication related to the cultivation or sustainability of partnerships with PK12 schools/districts.

Last Updated: August 23, 2024