Educator Effectiveness

MA Guide to Building Supportive Talent Systems for Educators

This guide provides useful information and resources to support districts in developing and sustaining a workforce that is diverse, culturally responsive, well-prepared, and committed to continuous improvement, so that all students have equitable access to effective educators.

The teachers and administrators in front of our students have great potential for disrupting patterns of inequity in our society. Hiring, assignment, support and development systems shape so much of how educators enter, engage and thrive in this profession. It is our hope that the policy updates, considerations and resources provided in this guide will support you to shape these systems in a manner that results in a thriving educator workforce and positive student outcomes for all.

Navigating the Guide

  • While all content in the guide is written through an antiracist lens, Spotlight on Racial Equity highlights specific strategies and resources to consider in efforts to disrupt racism and racial inequity. We believe that until racial justice is authentically and meaningfully woven into the day-to-day of our education system, it needs to be spotlighted.
  • Best Practices elevates research-based strategies.
  • Current Considerations highlights practices and MA policies specific to the context of this school year.
  • Questions to Consider notes additional questions to address or center in your planning and decision-making.
  • Additional Resources links to additional information and supports.

Please contact us at with questions, feedback, or for additional support and partnership around any of the practices and resources included in this guide.

Last Updated: January 22, 2025