Expanding access to high-quality, standards-aligned curricular materials can significantly improve student outcomes, especially when teachers have the professional learning opportunities they need to make the most of those materials. In alignment with DESE's Educational Vision, the Center for Instructional Support (CIS), through its Curriculum Matters: Instructional Materials and Professional Development initiative, is committed to ensuring that all students, particularly students from historically underserved groups and communities, have opportunities to "excel at grade level work (or beyond)" through equitable access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and effective teachers and leaders. Effective teachers and leaders are curriculum literate , enabling them to:
High-quality curricular materials exhibit a coherent sequence of lessons that target learning of grade-appropriate skills and knowledge through instructional strategies that are well supported by research and other characteristics such as engaging content and inclusive design. High-quality instructional materials have an increased positive impact on student learning when paired with curriculum-specific, ongoing professional learning.
Explore our Curriculum Matters website to learn more about the resources, tools, and opportunities available to support the effective selection and implementation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) across Massachusetts through the IMplement MA process.
High-quality instructional materials make a difference. Join the #CurriculumMattersMA conversation on X (formerly Twitter) and follow DESE at @MAK12Schools!
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What is "curriculum"?
Why does curriculum matter?
How is "high-quality" curriculum defined in Massachusetts?
Which curricular materials are highly rated by CURATE?
Current Opportunities and Grants
Why does high quality professional learning matter?
What is Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading?
Resources for Professional Development
Literacy and Humanities
Curriculum Data Collection
Last Updated: December 28, 2024