Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

MCAS Grade-Level Portfolio

Updated December 2024


The MCAS grade-level portfolios are alternative methods of student assessment that use a collection of a student's work samples to measure the educational performance of a small number of students who possess skills at or near grade level, but who cannot demonstrate those skills on the standard MCAS tests, even with accommodations, due to a significant disability. Participation in this assessments fulfill the MCAS participation requirements and measure a student's knowledge of the academic knowledge, concepts, and skills outlined in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for specific, required standards described in the MCAS Grade-Level Portfolio Manual .

If a student demonstrates in their grade-level or competency portfolio a level of achievement comparable to or higher than that of a student who has achieved Partially Meeting Expectations, Meeting Expectations, or Exceeding Expectation on the standard MCAS content area and grade-level test, the student will earn the corresponding achievement level.

Grade-Level Portfolio Excerpts

Grade 4

Grade 5

Last Updated: December 18, 2024