To cultivate Mastery, Identity, and Creativity, educators should provide students with learning experiences grounded in grade-level work that is real-world, relevant, and interactive by:
"Schooling is the process by which you institutionalize people to accept their place in a society… Education is the process through which you teach them to transform it." — Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, San Francisco State University
Learning experiences intentionally planned for Deeper Learning have a clear Purpose, provide students with diverse Perspectives, and require students to create meaningful Products:
"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist… using technologies that haven't yet been invented… in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet." — Richard Riley, Former United States Secretary of Education
To provide all students with consistent access to building knowledge and developing the skills necessary for tomorrow's world, it is important we plan for Deeper Learning experiences. We know that traditional models of school have not yet resulted in equitable access to excellent education for all of our students, especially students of color, multi-lingual learners, students with disabilities, and students from lower socio-economic classes.
This means that we will have to shift from traditional American models of learning to Deeper Learning. The Deeper Learning Shifts can be used to identify ways in which your instruction, school, and district have already shifted and which areas you might prioritize next.
Last Updated: May 10, 2023