The Commissioner of Elementary & Secondary Education has the statutory authority to approve programs that prepare candidates for educator licensure in Massachusetts. Program approval is the process through which a program or Sponsoring Organization may receive state approval. Such programs may be offered by public and private higher education institutions, districts, collaboratives and non-profit organizations. Regardless of the type of organization, all Massachusetts providers are required to meet the same rigorous expectations for approval and undergo the same processes associated with reviews.
Programs must prepare their candidates in accordance with the standards for licensure and Program Approval that are specified in the Regulations for Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval (603 CMR 7.00).
The resources and guidance below are updated periodically. Interested stakeholders should communicate directly with DESE if interested in becoming a Sponsoring Organization in Massachusetts.
Guidelines for Program Approval
Formal Review
Review conducted for existing providers seeking continuing approval.
Formal Review Schedule
Informal Review
Review conducted for providers interested in putting forward new programs and/or entities seeking to become an approved provider (Sponsoring Organization) in the state.
Interim Review
Review conducted for currently approved providers when concerns have been identified during an existing period of approval.
Early Literacy Interim Reviews
From 2025 – 2029, DESE will conduct Early Literacy-specific Interim Reviews for sponsoring organizations with Elementary, Early Childhood, Moderate Disabilities PK–2, and Moderate Disabilities PK–8 licensure programs. Learn more about these reviews on our Accelerated Early Literacy Program Review and Approval webpage.
In recognition of the employment demands of Massachusetts districts, DESE accepts Informal Review submissions for subject areas on the DESE-determined list without requiring demonstration of need. These subject areas include those for which there are currently shortages of qualified educators and approved preparation programs. Please note, this list is distinct from the license areas defined as high needs or shortage areas for federal reporting.
DESE recruits and selects a cohort of external Ed Prep Reviewers to support the program approval process each year. These reviewers come from a variety of roles and backgrounds, including both educator preparation programs and PK-12 schools and districts.
Ed Prep Reviewers are responsible for reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating evidence of educator preparation program effectiveness. Together with DESE, reviewers help to guarantee that educator preparation in Massachusetts results in effective educators ready to support the success of all students.
Information for Prospective Ed Prep Reviewers
Last Updated: March 7, 2025