Educator Effectiveness

CAP Online Platform

The CAP Online Platform embeds the process and content outlined in the CAP Guidelines and Implementation Handbook into a web application that participants can use to complete forms and communicate in real time. All Sponsoring Organizations are required to submit their Formative and Summative Assessments using the Online Platform, but we encourage its full use throughout the assessment because it makes communication and collaboration easier and reduces both travel and reliance on printed forms.

To access the online platform as a CAP Manager, Program Supervisor, or Supervising Practitioner, go to the DESE Security Portal.

To access the online platform as a Teacher Candidate, go to the ELAR Log In Page.

Online Platform User Guides and Resources

Please note that the CAP Online Platform undergoes standard maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30 pm every Thursday.

CAP Quick Reference Guides


If you have questions about the CAP Online Platform, please first check our FAQs, which will be updated regularly based on common questions and feedback that DESE receives from users. If you have a question that is not on the list, or need assistance with the platform, please reach out to your Sponsoring Organization (SO) CAP Manager (CM).

Last Updated: November 17, 2023