Educator Effectiveness

Ed Prep Resources


Focused research questions drive our progress. DESE is guided by three strategies set by the Office of Planning and Research (OPR):

  • Produce insightful, timely information on key policy issues and program initiatives.
  • Strengthen the use of data and evidence for DESE and the field.
  • Transform practices to more effectively implement DESE's highest priority initiatives.

Successful completion of CAP is required for all Initial Teacher preparation programs. Sponsoring organizations are required to send all formative and summative ratings for all CAP participants to DESE by uploading their data to the CAP Online Platform.

2024 CAP Guidelines and Resources

In 2024, the Guidelines for the Candidate Assessment of Performance were updated in alignment with revisions to the Standards of Effective Practice and the Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers . Please visit the PST and CAP page for additional information and resources related to these updates.

2019 CAP Guidelines and Resources

The 2019 CAP Guidelines may be used through the 2024-2025 school year. All resources at the links below align with the 2019 CAP Guidelines. DESE will update these resources to align with the updated guidelines during the 2024-2025 school year.

CAP Online Platform

The CAP Online Platform will remain unchanged until July 2025, when DESE will make revisions aligned with the 2024 CAP Guidelines. Resources below apply to the current CAP Online Platform.

Stakeholder Surveys

As outlined in 603 CMR 7.03 (5), the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is required to administer and publicly report survey data about the quality of educator preparation in the state. This requirement is intended to grant access to perceptions of teacher readiness in the Commonwealth to both preparation providers and the general public.

Last Updated: November 4, 2024