Office of College, Career and Technical Education

CTE Admissions

The Department offers the following guidelines and information regarding equitable student access to CTE Chapter 74 programs:

Admission Policies & Processes

Each school and program shall submit its admissions policy to the Department by October 1 each year, and shall annually publish it in its Program of Studies, post a copy on the school website, and provide a copy to each student applicant and their parent/guardian. Schools and programs shall ensure that all admissions materials are in both English and the primary language of the home, if such primary language is other than English. Additionally, the superintendent of the school or program shall submit an annual attestation to the Department that the admissions policy of the school or program complies with federal and state law and any relevant guidelines issued by the Department or the U.S. Department of Education.

Current Policies

Guidance for Admissions Policies & Processes

Supporting Documents for Admissions Policies & Processes

NonResident Tuition Resources

Students who reside in cities and towns not maintaining approved vocational technical education programs in the career technical program area sought by the student may apply for admission to a school of another city, town or district offering the desired instruction as set forth in M.G.L. c. 74, § 7. Additional regulations regarding Non-Resident student enrollment is included in 603 CMR 4.00: Vocational Technical Education Regulations.

Supporting Documents for NonResident

Career Technical Education Chapter 74 Nonresident Tuition Rates (By Year)

Last Updated: July 29, 2024