Most Recently Amended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: June 27, 2023
(1) Program Approval. The Department shall issue Guidelines for Program Approval to be used in reviewing programs seeking state approval. The Guidelines for Program Approval will include detailed effectiveness indicators for each program approval standard set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (2).
(a) Candidates may qualify for licensure through successful completion of an approved preparation program leading to the license sought, providing they meet all other requirements. Individuals who complete approved preparation programs may be eligible for licensure reciprocity with other states that are parties to the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement.
(b) Sponsoring organizations with approved preparation programs have the authority to review prior course work and work experience of their candidates and waive otherwise required course work, including the first half of the practicum or practicum equivalent, when designing programs of study for them. Granting such waivers is the official responsibility of the sponsoring organization. Records of candidates for whom coursework or other program requirements have been waived must be available during onsite review.
(c) A sponsoring organization that has received approval of one or more of its preparation programs shall endorse candidates who complete the approved preparation program.
(d) A sponsoring organization seeking approval of its preparation program(s) shall invite the Department to review them. The sponsoring organization shall provide written evidence in accordance with the Guidelines for Program Approval, demonstrating that it satisfies the requirements set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (1) through (4) for each program for which approval is sought. As part of the formal review process, the Department shall review the written evidence for each proposed program and evidence collected by the Department. The Department shall use the same standards in reviewing all programs and sponsoring organizations for approval.
(e) Program approval will be for a period of seven years, unless the program ceases to meet the requirements set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (2) through (4) and in accordance with the Guidelines for Program Approval.
(f) During the seven-year approval period a sponsoring organization that seeks approval of a new program may ask the Department for an informal review of that program. Sponsoring organizations seeking approval for the first time may also request an informal review. If the review is favorable, individual candidates who complete the program will be deemed to have met the requirements for licensure in Massachusetts, providing they meet all other requirements. Approval of the program will be considered at the time of the next seven-year program review.
(2) Program Approval Standards. Each sponsoring organization seeking approval of its preparation program(s) shall provide evidence addressing the following Program Approval Standards, in accordance with the Guidelines for Program Approval.
(a) Continuous Improvement: Demonstrate continuous improvement by conducting an annual evaluation to assess program compliance, effectiveness, and impact using an evidence-based system that includes the analysis of state available data.
(b) Collaboration and Program Impact: Collaborate with school districts to ensure positive impact in meeting the needs of the districts.
(c) Capacity: Create, deliver and sustain effective preparation programs.
(f) Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership: Demonstrate that program completers have been assessed and mastered the Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership at the level of an initially licensed administrator.
(g) Educator Effectiveness: Demonstrate effectiveness of program completers using aggregate evaluation ratings data of program completers, employment data on program completers employed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, results of survey data, and other available data.
(3) Preparation.
(a) Initial License. All sponsoring organizations with approved programs leading to the Initial license shall provide preparation that addresses requirements for the license, in accordance with the Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines and the Guidelines for Program Approval
(b) Professional License. Sponsoring organizations with approved preparation programs leading to the Professional license shall provide preparation that satisfies the requirements for the license, in accordance with the Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines and the Guidelines for Program Approval.
(c) Assistive and Alternative Technologies. All sponsoring organizations with approved programs leading to licenses for teachers of students with moderate disabilities or teachers of students with severe disabilities shall include in such programs instruction on the appropriate use of augmentative and alternative communication and other assistive technologies.
(4) Annual Reporting. All sponsoring organizations shall submit to the Department an annual report that includes the following information for each approved preparation program, in a form prescribed by the Department:
(a) Substantial changes to a program
(d) Annual Goals and Attainment
(f) Types of District Partnerships and Collaborations.
(5) Public Reporting. The Department shall publish an annual report including, but not limited to the following information for each sponsoring organization and approved preparation programs:
(a) Sponsoring Organization General Information
(b) Candidate Data
(c) Faculty and Staff Data
(d) District Partnerships and Collaborations
(e) Annual Goals and Attainment
(f) List of Approved Programs and Program of Study
(g) Admission Requirements for Approved Programs
(h) Manner of Exit from the Approved Program and Persistence Rates
(k) Aggregate Employment Data of Program Completers employed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
(l) Aggregate Evaluation Ratings of Program Completers
(6) Revoking Approval.
(a) The Department may conduct an interim review of an approved preparation program on an as-needed basis to corroborate and augment the information provided by an approved preparation program pursuant to 603 CMR 7.03 (4), or during the seven-year cycle review.
(b) Following the interim review, if the approved preparation program fails to meet the requirements and benchmarks set forth in 7.03 (2) and (3) and the Guidelines for Program Approval, it shall receive a designation of low performing.
(c) The sponsoring organization shall submit an improvement plan to the Department for any of its programs that receive the designation of low performing. The Department will monitor progress in meeting the goals of the improvement plan. If, after one year under review, a program has not made satisfactory progress, its approval may be revoked. The Commissioner may extend the review for a second year if additional data must be collected, e.g., for small programs with enrollment of less than ten.
(d) The Commissioner will make the final determination regarding revocation of state approval.
(7) Restoring Approval.
(a) A sponsoring organization must wait two years after approval of an educator preparation program has been revoked before it can apply to the Department to restore approval. The sponsoring organization shall submit written documentation of how it will address the requirements set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (2) through (4).
(b) The Department will review the written documentation to determine whether the organization and its program(s) satisfy all of the requirements set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (2) through (4). Programs that demonstrate that they satisfy the requirements set forth in 603 CMR 7.03 (2) and (3) will be allowed to recruit students.
(8) Implementation
(a) Approved programs leading to licenses set forth in 603 CMR 7.04 will be required to implement new subject matter knowledge in accordance with the Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines within 18 months of issuance of the new or updated Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines.
(b) Approved programs leading to licenses set forth in 603 CMR 7.04 (3)(a) 1., 3., 6., 7., 9., 14., 22., 23., (b) 1., (c) 2. and (d) 1., will be required to implement the new license names, levels and license type requirements by July 1, 2019.
Regulatory Authority: M.G.L. c. 69, § 1B; c. 69, §§ 1J and 1K, as amended by St. 2010; c. 12, § 3; c. 71, § 38G, as amended by St. 2022, c. 154, § 10; c. 71, 38G ½; c. 71A, § 10; c. 76, § 19.
Disclaimer:For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .
Last Updated: July 17, 2023