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Educator Effectiveness

Educator Preparation in Massachusetts

The resources on this page are primarily for Massachusetts approved educator preparation programs.

  • If you are an individual hoping to become an educator in Massachusetts, visit our Careers in Massachusetts page.
  • If you are from an organization seeking to become an approved educator preparation program, visit our Informal Review toolkit.

Quick Links:

DESE Educator Preparation Resources and Opportunities 2024-2025

We are excited to share upcoming opportunities to learn from and collaborate with the DESE team and your colleagues from other educator preparation programs throughout the 2024-2025 school year. We will continue to update this list as more specific details become available. If you have additional questions about any of these opportunities, please contact .

In addition to the opportunities below, our team will continue to communicate and collect feedback through our Monthly EE Newsletter and regular attendance at SCOPE, MACTE Board, and COMTEC meetings. The Educator Preparation Advisory Group and PST/CAP Working Group will also continue to collaborate with our team throughout the year to inform specific projects.

General Information and Updates

These are typically higher-level opportunities to learn more about new or planned work that will apply to most educator preparation programs.

Stay Connected! If you would like to update your organization's contact information to ensure the appropriate people receive our communications, please complete the contact info form or email us at with "Update Contact Information" in the subject line.

Recent Communications from the Ed Prep Inbox:

OpportunityDate(s) & Registration Info
Back to School Welcome Meeting
We would like to kick off the 2024-2025 academic year by (re)introducing our team, reconnecting, sharing what we've worked on this summer, and previewing the resources and opportunities to come this year.

Monday, September 16 from 11am–12pm

Register here!

EE Newsletters
The Monthly EE Newsletter shares information about what we're working on, what we're learning, and what we have coming up. We regularly feature research, new or highlighted resources, MTEL updates, and licensure updates.

Subscribe to receive monthly newsletters

View newsletter archive for past issues

Early Literacy in Educator Preparation

These opportunities will provide support, collaboration, and learning aligned with Mass Literacy and the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria and will be designed for those involved in Early Childhood PK–2, Elementary 1–6, and Moderate Disabilities PK–2/PK–8 programs.

Key Resources:

OpportunityDate(s) & Registration Info
Early Literacy Quarterly Updates
Want to stay in the loop about our Early Literacy in Educator Preparation initiative? Every quarter, we share news, upcoming opportunities, and announcements in our Early Literacy in Educator Preparation Quarterly Update. Check out our archive of past updates and sign up to be on our mailing list for future communications.

Subscribe to receive quarterly updates


Early Literacy Consortium Grant
A grant opportunity to support PK12 educators and sponsoring organizations to share best practices in early literacy instruction and collaborate to design and launch an early literacy initiative that reflects the region's early literacy landscape and needs.

Apply at FY2025 Fund Code 0726: Early Literacy Consortium Grant!
Deadline for applying: October 11, 2024

Information Sessions on this RFP will be held via Zoom:

Early Literacy Professional Learning Community — Cohort 1
In Spring 2024, DESE offered a series of virtual community meetings facilitated by The Reading Circuit designed to support educator preparation faculty in making programmatic shifts to align with the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria. All participants in this first cohort are invited back for four more sessions in SY24 – 25 to continue their discussions and learning about early literacy practices in educator preparation.

The schedule and overview of upcoming PLC sessions will be updated here:

Cohort 1 Information

Early Literacy Professional Learning Community — Cohort 2
A series of 8 virtual community meetings throughout SY24-25 designed to support a new cohort of educator preparation program faculty and staff in making programmatic shifts to align to the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria. The scope and sequence of the sessions will be informed by participants and tailored to their needs; to see an example of the topics and discussions that the first cohort explored in Spring 2024, visit The Reading Circuit's Early Literacy PLC site.

The schedule and overview of upcoming PLC sessions will be updated here: Cohort 2 Information

3 Fall Sessions tentatively scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month from 9:30 – 11 AM.

5 Spring Sessions TBD

PST and CAP Implementation Support

These opportunities will provide support, collaboration, and learning on the 2024 Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers (PSTs) and 2024 Guidelines for the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) to prepare for their full implementation in 2025-2026. These opportunities will be designed for those involved in Initial Teacher programs.

The updated Guidelines were released in June 2024 and include significant changes, including updated levels of practice, modifications to the expectations of supervising practitioners and program supervisors when conducting observations, and changes to CAP evidence collection, among others. SOs must implement these changes beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year. In support of implementation planning throughout 2024-2025, DESE will provide multiple opportunities for SO personnel, program supervisors, supervising practitioners, and district personnel to learn more about the updates.

These opportunities were designed through extensive input, including public comment on the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines, virtual and in-person CAP and PST Guidelines roundtables, and the 2023-2024 CAP and PST Working Group. Support for using the Early Literacy Observation Form, in particular providing high-quality feedback to candidates on culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in early literacy will be interwoven with these opportunities.

Key Resources:

Opportunity or ResourceLinks, Date(s), & Registration Info
Statement of Assurance and Implementation Plan Templates
Each sponsoring organization is expected to complete and submit a statement of assurance and high-level implementation plan attesting to their commitment to prepare for full implementation of the updated PST and CAP Guidelines in 2025-2026.
The templates are available at 2024 PST and CAP Guidelines & Resources
PST and CAP Info Sessions
These info sessions will provide an overview to key audiences about the updates to the PST and CAP Guidelines and provide time to answer questions. They will be held virtually and recordings will be shared for those who cannot attend.
For sponsoring organization personnel — focus on both CAP and PST updates:
  • Tuesday, October 1 from 1–2pm
For program supervisors:
  • Monday, October 7 from 3–4pm
For supervising practitioners and PK12 partners:
  • Thursday, October 17 from 3–4pm
For sponsoring organization faculty — focus on coursework/PST updates:
  • Friday, October 25 from 2–3pm
Communities of Practice
Series of collaborative meetings led by members of the prep field to calibrate evidence for each Essential Element. Evidence produced during Communities of Practice will be archived and published as examples on the DESE website.

Application to facilitate will be released early in the Fall.

Sessions will run between January–April 2025

Community of Practice: Significant Implementation Cohort
Series of peer-directed meetings to collaboratively problem solve issues related to implementation of the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines. Open to sponsoring organizations who are executing significant implementation of the 2024 CAP and PST Guidelines during the 2024-2025 academic year. DESE will use these sessions to inform future supports and resources.
Sessions will take place monthly throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.

PST and CAP Drop-in Sessions
One-hour virtual sessions led by members of the prep field, each with a featured topic requested by the field.

Topics will include:

  • Using evidence
  • Providing feedback
  • Training SPs
  • Adjusting coursework to align with updated PSTs

Application to facilitate will be released early in the Fall.

Sessions will run in March–April 2025

CAP Introduction Videos
These will be published on the DESE website describing the purpose and structure of CAP, intended for supervising practitioners and candidates.
Fall 2024
Updated CAP Handbook
Handbook providing suggestions and resources to support CAP implementation, including CAP roles and responsibilities, the CAP process, optional forms, and optional protocols.
Fall 2024
(updated forms are available on the 2024 PST and CAP Guidelines & Resources page)
Quick Reference Guides
Short reference guides describing specific areas in need of more clarification, as requested from the field.
Fall 2024
CAP Online Platform
The CAP Online Platform will be revised to align with the 2024 Guidelines for the Candidate Performance of Assessment.
Summer/Fall 2024: Input and Planning
Winter/Spring 2025: Building, Testing, and Feedback
July 1, 2025: Launch updated Platform

Anticipated Updates to Guidelines or Foundational Resources

The Guidelines and resources below are anticipated to be updated during 2024-2025. We will update this page regularly regarding the anticipated release of drafts, memos, or requests for feedback on these materials.

Guidelines/ResourcesAnticipated Timeline
Guidelines for Pre-Practicum Experiences for Teacher Candidates
The Pre-Practicum Guidelines will be updated to align with the 2023 Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval and 2024 Guidelines for the Professional Standards for Teachers.
Late Summer/Fall 2024: Seek input and feedback
Winter 2024-2025: Release draft Guidelines for public comment
Spring 2025: Release final Guidelines

Guidelines for Approved Professional Teacher Programs
We will be developing these Guidelines to create clear expectations for approved Professional Teacher programs. In Fall 2024, we will focus on stakeholder engagement and then will build out a timeline for the revisions.

**New Professional Teacher programs will not be accepted for review during this period of development.**

Fall 2024: Input from internal and external stakeholders to inform the updates

Additional information regarding the timeline will be shared based on what we hear and learn through this collaboration.

The Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Communication and Literacy Skills (CLS2) Framework
DESE, in partnership with Throughline Learning, has developed a new Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Communication and Literacy Skills Framework to guide the redevelopment of the CLST MTEL. We are currently seeking public comment on the draft CLS2 Framework that will eventually guide the redevelopment of the Communication and Literacy Skills MTEL test. Input will directly inform final revisions to the Framework and ultimately impact all new licensed educators in Massachusetts.

Public comment is open through September 30th

Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines: Updates to the Moderate Disabilities 5–12 Expectations
Currently, the SMK Guidelines require Moderate Disabilities 5–12 programs to develop candidates' content fluency in Grades 3–12 of the English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Technology, & Engineering, and History & Social Science Curriculum Frameworks. DESE will be updating the Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines for Moderate Disabilities 5-12 programs to better align them with content expectations for the role once employed. Our office is collaborating with the Office of Special Education Planning and Policy on these updates and will share additional details for input and feedback this Fall.
Fall 2024: Seek input
Spring 2025: Release draft SMK Guidelines for public comment
Summer 2025: Final SMK Guidelines released

Additional Opportunities to Provide Feedback

The EE Team will be seeking input or feedback on several key policies and initiatives. We hope your voice will be included!

OpportunityDate(s) & Registration Info
2025 Field Feedback SurveyWill be released in late Spring 2025

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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