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2024-2025 District Prioritization Guidance

School Sustainable Improvement Planning Guidance (for Underperforming Schools)

SSoS is in the process of updating and aligning our School Improvement Plan (SIP) guidance with the Coherence Guidebook. We encourage districts and schools to reference those resources while engaging in the school planning process outlined below.

Getting Started+
Sustainable Improvement Plan Submission Requirements and Process

While schools engaged in the initial planning or annual renewal process are required to go through each identified stage, a new feature beginning in school year 2019-2020 is the flexibility in how to communicate each stage to DESE. Schools are no longer required to document the process they engaged in via a large written document on a state-mandated template. However, some writing is still required.

Schools engaging in initial or annual renewal sustainable improvement planning:

No longer are required to submit a large written document on a state-mandated template Must engage in each stage of the initial sustainable improvement planning or annual renewal process
But must complete a brief required written submission for the Executive Summary and Goals & Benchmarks stages of the sustainable improvement planning process. But may submit evidence of completion of these stages in a flexible format submission of the school's choosing.

Look for these icons. Throughout the guidance, the icons will indicate if a sustainable improvement plan stage necessitates a required written submission or flexible format submission. SSoS staff in your region are available to support you in the process of meeting these submission standards as you determine which alternate submission format works best for your school and district context.

Required Written Submission

Schools are required to submit, in writing, the following sustainable improvement planning stages:

  • Executive Summary
  • Goals & Benchmarks

There is no template required for these two stages, so schools can use their own format or the optional template provided by DESE, as long as the submission includes the information outlined in the Plan Submission Requirements charts below.

These stages Executive Summary and Goals & Benchmarks should serve as the school's communication tool for stakeholders to understand the improvement efforts the school is undertaking as a result of going through the sustainable improvement planning process.

Flexible Format Submission

Flexible format submission stages may be communicated in a format of the school and district's choosing. Each stage must be completed using the guidance provided in the Plan Submission Requirements charts below, but may be submitted in an alternate format. Flexible format submission options include, but are not limited to:

  • PowerPoint presentation, with notes or narration
  • Video presentation
  • Interview with SSoS staff/consultants (virtual or in person)
  • Pictures and artifacts (with context) created during engagement in the planning process
  • Written documents

Process suggestion: As schools engage in each step of the process, it is advisable that to refer to the submission requirements often, and collect evidence/documentation along the way. This can ease the burden of pulling together the final submission at the end of the year.

Instructions for submitting sustainable improvement plans

  1. The submission window for sustainable improvement plans is May 1 – June 30, 2020
  2. Please use the following naming convention for your plan: district name_school name_Spr20 plan.docx (Note: if the school name is exceptionally long, please use just enough of the name to easily identify the school).
  3. Send the plan via e-mail to .
    • Please include Sustainable Improvement Plan for (school name, district name) in the subject line of your e-mail.
    • Districts with multiple schools may send a single e-mail with multiple plans attached, although we encourage individual plans to be submitted as they are completed rather than waiting for all schools in the district to complete their plans.
  4. SSoS will send an e-mail acknowledging that we have received your plan.
  5. SSoS will provide feedback to support implementation of the plan.
Stakeholder Engagement+
Envision the Future+
Assessment of Assets and Challenges & Root Cause Analysis+
Strategic Objectives & Initiatives Aligned to the Turnaround Practices+
Goals & Benchmarks+
District Systems+
Executive Summary+
Monitor Progress+

Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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