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Center for School and District Partnership (CSDP)

CSDP Coherence Guidebook

Over the last several years, the Department has published and utilized several frameworks and resources that capture elements of great schools and levers to create conditions that improve student outcomes. The Coherence Guidebook draws from many of these to illustrate a systems-level path toward deeper learning. School system leaders and teams may use the Guidebook, along with its companion self-assessment, to articulate a vision of deeper learning, identify high-leverage instructional priorities, refine tiered supports, and leverage systems and structures - all in service of the articulated vision. As noted in the Guidebook, this is best utilized by a diverse team with stakeholders across your system.

If your team has completed the Coherence Guidebook self-assessment and identified focused priorities, you can review the Targeted Support Catalog for opportunities to receive support in your identified area(s). Additional support to complete the self-assessment and identify focused priorities is available through DESE's annual prioritization institute, which you can learn more about MA Instructional Prioritization Institute and register.

Last Updated: March 24, 2023

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