FY25 SOA Plan Progress Reports offer districts' key stakeholders important highlights about the implementation of SOA plans and progress being made to reduce disparities in learning opportunities and outcomes for student groups experiencing those disparities. Progress reports, due April 1, 2025, cover three key topics:
Details on guidance and resources for developing FY25 SOA Plan Progress Reports, other resources, and a timeline appear below.
FY25 SOA Plan Progress Report: blank template and submission checklist
FY25 SOA Plan Overview Webinar slide deck (including guidance)
Instructions for Completing FY25 SOA Plan Progress Reports in GEM$
FY25 SOA Plan Progress Reports: Frequently Asked Questions
Please continue checking this website for additional resources. Coming soon:
Data Tools. For further data analysis of data collected by the Commonwealth, districts are encouraged to visit DOE profiles, Edwin Analytics, and the Massachusetts Education-to-Career Research and Data Hub . To learn more about customized MCAS and ACCESS dashboards for your district, please reach out to our partners at Open Architects (Student Opportunity Act Support ).
Student Outcome Comparison Tool . (Update available soon!) This tool enables districts to review data across student groups for critical indicators to pinpoint where disparities in learning experiences and outcomes are most prominent.
SOA Office Hours. Beginning in February, our SOA Team is once again offering ½ hour consultations to support districts with overall plan development. Use this link to schedule a time to meet with us . Districts can also email questions to the SOA Team at SOAPlans@mass.gov .
February – March 2025
April – July 2024
The Student Opportunity Act requires each district to create an evidence-based plan for reducing persistent disparities in achievement across student groups. Plans must be submitted for the Commissioner's review on a three-year cycle, with annual progress updates submitted in subsequent years. Please review the FY24 SOA Plan Guidance Materials for more details on submission requirements. New 3-year SOA Plans are due April 1, 2024.
Details on the FY24 guidance and timeline for developing new 3-year SOA plans, and other resources available to districts appear below:
FY24 SOA Plan Guidance
Other Resources and Supports
Student Outcome Comparison Tool . To help districts easily access the data needed to develop a thoughtful plan, DESE has created a new, publicly available Student Outcome Comparison Tool. This tool will enable districts to review data across student groups for critical indicators to pinpoint where disparities in learning experiences and outcomes are most prominent.
Additional Data Tools. For further data analysis, districts are encouraged to visit DOE profiles and Edwin Analytics. To learn more about customized MCAS and ACCESS dashboards for your district, please reach out to our partners at Open Architects (Student Opportunity Act Support ).
SOA Office Hours. Our SOA Team is once again offering ½ hour consultations to support districts with overall plan development. Use this link to schedule a time to meet with us . Districts can also email questions to the SOA Team at SOAPlans@mass.gov .
Consultations for Priority Districts. A team from DESE will reach out directly to priority districts to provide direct assistance in completing the FY24 3-Year SOA Plan addendum.
Last Updated: March 13, 2025
General Inquiries SOAplans@mass.gov