The Student Opportunity Act (2019) provided for a Twenty-First Century Education Advisory Council (Advisory Council), as well as a Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund and the Twenty-First Century Education Program (Education Program) for the purpose of:
The Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), in consultation with the Advisory Council, administers the Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund to support the Education Program and provide recommendations and input on the implementation of the Education Program. To accomplish that goal, the Council:
The Advisory Council consists of 6 members, 4 of whom are appointed by the governor; 1 of whom is appointed by the president of the senate; and 1 of whom is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The members of the advisory council bring diverse expertise with demonstrated success in at least 1 of the following areas:
Erica Champagne, Director of Office of Effective Practices
Moira Connolly, Liaison to the Council
Rebecca Shor, Acting Senior Director, Statewide System of Support
21st Century Education Advisory Council Meeting Presentation January 29, 2024
21st Century Education Advisory Council Meeting Notes January 29, 2024
21st Century Education Advisory Council Meeting Presentation May 23, 2023
Last Updated: May 10, 2024
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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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