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Student Opportunity Act

Twenty-First Century Education Advisory Council

The Student Opportunity Act (2019) provided for a Twenty-First Century Education Advisory Council (Advisory Council), as well as a Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund and the Twenty-First Century Education Program (Education Program) for the purpose of:

  • addressing persistent disparities in achievement among student subgroups,
  • improving educational opportunities for all students,
  • sharing best practices for improving classroom learning, and
  • supporting efficiencies within and across schools.

The Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), in consultation with the Advisory Council, administers the Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund to support the Education Program and provide recommendations and input on the implementation of the Education Program. To accomplish that goal, the Council:

  • Makes recommendations on the improvement of the design, oversight, or implementation of the Education Program;
  • May receive and consider reports and input from expert individuals, educators, school administrators, parents, community-based organizations, voluntary education organizations and other relevant public and private organizations recognized as having appropriate expertise

The Advisory Council consists of 6 members, 4 of whom are appointed by the governor; 1 of whom is appointed by the president of the senate; and 1 of whom is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The members of the advisory council bring diverse expertise with demonstrated success in at least 1 of the following areas:

  1. (i) addressing disparities in achievement among student subgroups;
  2. (ii) serving as educator or administrator in a school with a high percentage of low-income students;
  3. (iii) improving educational outcomes through implementation of nontraditional programming in classrooms;
  4. (iv) replicating effective, evidence-based practices for ensuring student academic success; or (v) evaluating the success of educational approaches designed to address disparities in achievement among student subgroups.

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule

October 23, 20235:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.Contact Moira Connolly for agenda and login information if interested in attending.
January 29, 20245:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.Contact Moira Connolly for agenda and login information if interested in attending.
May 20, 2024 (rescheduled)4:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.Contact Moira Connolly for agenda and login information if interested in attending.

Council Members

Twenty-First Century Education Advisory Council Membership
NameTitleInstitutionAppointed byTenure
Joseph CorazziniVP for Government and Community AffairsClark UniversitySenate President2021-Present
Dr. Stephen Zrike*SuperintendentSalem Public SchoolsGovernor2021-Present
Kelley GangiChief of Instructional ImprovementSpringfield Empowerment Zone (SEZP)Governor2021-Present
Dr. Karla BaehrEducational Consultant Planning Team Member of M.A.S.S. Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI)Speaker of the House2022-Present
Adrienne MurphyDirector of Data AnalyticsMassachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC)Governor2022-Present
Dr. Jason DeFalcoSuperintendentBlackstone-Millville Regional School DistrictGovernor2022-Present


DESE Staff Contacts

Erica Champagne, Director of Office of Effective Practices

Moira Connolly, Liaison to the Council

Rebecca Shor, Acting Senior Director, Statewide System of Support

Meeting Materials and Minutes

Last Updated: May 10, 2024

Four students

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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