The Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) Guidelines released in August 2018 reflect a significant shift in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE's) approach to outlining content expectations for teachers, emphasizing the importance of aligning standards for students with expectations for educators. Below are some of the questions we have received from the field about implementing updates in alignment with the SMK Guidelines. If you have additional questions, please reach out to .
Do the Crosscutting SMKs have any impact on the SEI Endorsement given they are required for all Initial Teacher licensure programs (not just core academic programs)?
Crosscutting SMKs have no impact on the SEI endorsement process. Non-core academic teachers continue not to be required to earn an SEI endorsement, though they still have a responsibility for being well-prepared to support their English Learners (as is supported by corresponding indicators in the Professional Standards for Teachers ).
Last Updated: August 16, 2023
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