Educator Effectiveness


Guidance Materials

Differentiating Induction and Mentoring Programs

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Supplements from Induction and Mentoring Reports

Districts, educational collaboratives, and professional organizations provided data, advice and other information on specific induction and mentoring topics, represented in the following documents.

Archived Annual Reports also provide additional insight into past induction and mentoring practices from across the Commonwealth.


Districts are encouraged to use Title II, Part A: Improving Educator Quality State Grants to support induction and mentoring programs. The purpose of Title II, Part A funding is to increase student achievement through comprehensive district initiatives that improve effective educators, including preparation, training, recruitment, and retention.

These funds can be used to support induction and mentoring programs, including paying mentor stipends, providing materials and supplies for mentees and/or mentors, and hiring consultants to assist with the development and/or implementation of the program. Districts can learn more about Title IIA, including their allocations for the current fiscal year, on DESE's website.

Resources from Districts and Collaboratives

Through their annual induction and mentoring reports, districts and collaboratives shared resources they use in their own programs , from mentor selection to program review.

Induction and Mentoring Examples

DESE's Mentor Training Program, Project SUCCESS (2011–2014)

As part of Race to the Top, DESE partnered with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to offer a year-long, graduate level course for lead mentors called Project SUCCESS from 2011–2014. Designed to increase district capacity, the program followed a train-the-trainer model enabling districts to develop lead mentors who could train other mentors in the district.

Over the course of three years, 400 lead mentors were trained from 70 districts. A full list of participating districts is available. Several examples of induction and mentoring programs are available online from participating districts:

The final capstone for the course included developing a district action plan to support induction and mentoring.

Districts are encouraged to work collaboratively to train mentors and share resources. More information about Project SUCCESS, including training resources and videos are available. At this time, DESE does not provide mentor training.

Help us add to these resources!

DESE continues to seek out opportunities to highlight the thoughtful work happening across the Commonwealth. To support this, we encourage educators and other stakeholders to send additional examples and resources to us at .

Last Updated: March 7, 2025