Who is required to participate in induction and mentoring programs?Induction and mentoring programs are for beginning teachers and administrators (those new to the profession) as well as incoming teachers and administrators (those with experience, but are new to the district or role). You can see the specific components of induction and mentoring programs that apply to these groups of educators.
Are part-time beginning teachers and administrators required to participate in induction and mentoring programs?Yes.
Our district has hired an educator with past experience in out-of-state, non-public, and/or charter schools, or in a substitute role. Are these individuals required to participate in induction and mentoring programs?It depends on their past induction and mentoring experiences. Teachers and administrators must undergo a one-year induction program in accordance with MA regulations to be eligible for a Professional license. If they have gone through a one-year induction program that meets the requirements outlined in MA regulations, educators who have previous experience as a teacher or administrator in out-of-state, non-public, and/or charter schools are not required to participate in the induction program. If the teacher or administrator has not yet undergone an induction program in accordance with MA regulations, they should receive the induction and mentoring supports provided to beginning educators.
Are educators working under Specialist and Instructional Support Personnel licenses required to participate in induction and mentoring programs?No. Educators working under Specialist and Instructional Support Personnel licenses are not required to participate in induction and mentoring programs. However, doing so can enhance a school team's effectiveness and support educators' professional development. See the Supporting New Specialized Instructional Support Personnel supplement for more information.
Are districts' induction and mentoring programs required to be a certain number of hours?No. DESE does not set requirements around the number of hours beginning or incoming educators must participate in an induction and mentoring program. However, it is required that beginning teachers receive an additional 50 hours of mentoring beyond the initial induction year.
How do you designate an Induction and Mentoring Contact?Using DESE's Directory Administration, each district is asked to select at least one person to serve as the point of contact for the district's induction and mentoring program for beginning educators. It's up to the district to determine who is most familiar with the district's induction programs and best suited to serve as a contact. The superintendent will be designated as the default contact. We expect the roles of contacts will vary by districts, with some being superintendents, assistant superintendents, curriculum directors, professional development directors, and/or teacher leaders.
With these contacts, DESE will share important updates, reminders, and new resources related to induction and mentoring, including information about submitting the annual induction and mentoring report. A list of district administrators who can designate a person as the Induction and Mentoring Contact is available online.
Is it required that mentors and mentees be matched one-on-one?No. Districts have flexibility to determine mentor and mentee assignment. Districts may consider pairing a mentor with multiple mentees to prioritize giving the mentees access to an effective educator in their content area/grade level or school building. Districts may also implement group mentoring. When considering group mentoring, districts should still ensure there are opportunities for mentors and mentees to meet individually.
Is there a limit to the number of mentees that may be assigned to one mentor?No. DESE does not set a limit on the number of mentees that may be assigned to one mentor.
Can mentors serve in a supervisory or evaluative role for their mentees?Yes. However, when possible, DESE recommends assigning mentees to a mentor who is not their supervisor/evaluator to increase the support available to novice educators.
Are mentors required to have a license in the same license area(s) as their mentees?No. While mentors must have at least three full years of experience under an Initial or Professional License, they are not required to possess a license in the same license area(s) as their mentees. It is recommended that districts use criteria-based matching, such as by subject, content area, or grade level, when assigning mentors to educators.
Are mentors required to be trained?Yes. While DESE does not set additional requirements about the duration, frequency, or content of the training, all mentors must be trained. Suggestions about training are available in the Guidelines .
Does DESE provide training for mentors?No, DESE does not provide training for mentors at this time.
What are districts' reporting requirements relative to induction and mentoring?Districts are required to report induction and mentoring data in two ways: 1) through an annual report and 2) as part of their annual EPIMS data submission.
When will districts submit annual reports to DESE?At the conclusion of each school year (June), districts' and organizations' Induction and Mentoring contacts will be emailed a link to complete the annual induction and mentoring report. Typically, organizations must complete the report by July 31st. Prior to completing the electronic report, a Word/PDF version will be made available so districts can collect the necessary data over the course of the school year.
What induction and mentoring information must be submitted as part of the annual EPIMS data submission?The Department collects MEPIDs for individual mentors assigned to novice educators as part of its annual EPIMS data submission. Districts enter this information in data element SR34 (Beginner Educator Mentor).
Are charter schools required to submit the annual report and EPIMS data relative to induction and mentoring?Horace Mann charter schools are required to submit both the annual report and the EPIMS data relative to induction and mentoring. Commonwealth charter schools are not required to submit induction and mentoring data through either the annual report or EPIMS, although they are welcome to do so.
Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome at EducatorDevelopment@doe.mass.edu .
Last Updated: September 26, 2022