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FY19 Perkins IV Corrections RFP Q&A

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Will each reader read the entire Part III of the grant or will each be assigned a different question? I am wondering this to determine how much repetition needs to be made in the response.
Each reader will read the entire application submitted.

I just wanted to confirm from the question answered at the bidders conference that it would be allowable to submit a 17.59% indirect cost rate within the budget, as that rate is assigned to us by the Office of the State Comptroller.
If a federal grant program has a more restrictive indirect cost rate than the rate assigned by the Comptroller's Office, then the more restrictive rate applies since that is dictated by the federal award requirement. Perkins is quite clear that admin and indirect combined cannot exceed 5%. Applicants will have to ask for a waiver from ANF to apply the lower indirect costs on these grants. Use the 5% indirect cost restriction in the grant RFP as justification. You may email Karen DeCoster for a waiver form if you do not have one at

In the required program information, under PROGRAM DESIGN we are asked to: Submit a program scope and sequence chart and/or syllabus that provides sufficient detail regarding the size, scope, and quality of the program. Does our response require us to provide details regarding the hours that students will attend each class?
"Sufficient detail" re: the size of the program should include information about program intensity, which would include the days per week and the time duration for each class/course.

Will the list of potential applicants that submitted a letter of intent (LOI) be published?
Yes, please find the list below. It should be noted that LOIs are not required and do not obligate an applicant to apply. In other words, the final list of applicants may not include everyone listed below.
  1. Barnstable CHOC
  2. Berkshire CHOC
  3. Department of Youth Services
  4. Essex CHOC
  5. Franklin CHOC
  6. Hampden CHOC
  7. MA Department of Corrections
  8. Middlesex CHOC
  9. Plymouth CHOC
  10. School of Re-entry, Boston Pre-Release
  11. Suffolk CHOC
  12. Worcester CHOC

Questions submitted week of 8/20/2018

I noticed that the criteria shown in the rubric for question 2 does not entirely match the criteria in the question re: Outcomes and Professional Development. There is no mention of professional development. Was this an error?
Yes, this was an error. The rubric has been updated and reposted to include: "Describe the professional development that will be provided to program staff and how such professional development supports one or more the outcomes above."

Is Question 7 asking us to describe how we will "support and sustain" the program [itself] or, considering its reference to the Statement of Assurances, is the question asking how we intend to support the students who are embedded in the program? Or both?
The narrative prompt 7 is referring to the program. As stated, the response "should include, but is not limited to, how the agency will assist the program in fully meeting any Perkins requirement deemed to be partially in place in the Statement of Assurances."

Can labor market information be attached as an Appendix?
Yes, but it will count toward the page limit.

Questions submitted week of 8/27/2018

Narrative prompt 5 asks for a lesson plan. Our lesson plan is five pages in length. Will those pages be counted as part of the 20-page narrative or can it be treated as an exhibit/attachment?
Yes, the lesson plan will count toward the page limit. Consider submitting lesson plan excerpts to conserve pages. If you wish to submit a sample lesson as an exhibit (attachment) you may print 2 pages side-by- side on one page, as long as it can be easily read.

At the bidders' conference, you mentioned that the statement of assurance (SOA) would be revised to include an end of year report in addition to a mid-year report. The statement of assurance that is posted has not been changed. Was this an oversight?
No. The revision to the SOA will only be made to the final version that awardees must submit in Ed Grants.

Do you need job descriptions and resumes for people who are not being funded by the project but will be working in coordination with the project? Or just for people being funded by the project?
Resumes and job descriptions are to be submitted for everyone on the grant, including those shown on a submitted match budget (which is optional).

Last Updated: August 31, 2018

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