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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Educator Effectiveness

Massachusetts students need quality instruction and support provided by effective educators. In turn, educators need support from their program directors and high quality professional development and technical assistance in order to do their job well. ACLS, with help from SABES, has developed resources for educator effectiveness.

Professional Standards

For ABE Instruction

Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Basic Education

Proficiency Guides for Teachers of Adult Basic Education

A companion resource is a set of proficiency guides for Math and English Language Arts (ELA) which are designed to help teachers engage in the work of improving teacher practice. The proficiency guides are based on the Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education and contain essential concepts teachers need to know and observable teacher and student behaviors. While not exhaustive, they indicate important knowledge and skills that effective teachers need to know and be able to do within the specific context the teach.

Use of the Math and ELA Proficiency Guides is supported by professional development and training. The SABES Math and ELA Curriculum and Instruction Professional Learning Centers are the state's go-to providers of high-quality professional development and resources.

Visit the SABES ELA and Math Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Centers' webpages to learn more about PD and resources aligned to the ABE Professional Standards and the Proficiency Guides:

For more information PD, resources and coaching, contact:

For ESOL Instruction

Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Speakers of Other Languages

Use of the ESOL Professional Standards is supported by professional development and training. The SABES ESOL Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Center is the state's go-to provider of high-quality professional development and resources.

Visit the SABES ESOL Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Center's webpage to learn more about PD and resources aligned to the ESOL Professional Standards:

For more information on PD, resources and coaching, contact:

Guidance and Support for Educational Leaders

For ABE and ESOL Instruction

Classroom Visit Toolkit-A Holistic Approach to Classroom Observations

The toolkit supports both ABE and ESOL instruction. Together with the ABE Professional Standards, the ELA and Math Proficiency Guides, and the ESOL Professional Standards, the toolkit components support ABE and ESOL teacher effectiveness, in particular the process of teacher observation and evaluation.

The toolkit components can be used for both formal and informal (i.e., walk-through) class visits in both in-person and remote instructional settings.

The toolkit can be used as is or adapted to comply with the ACLS policy on staff supervision and evaluation.

Professional development on how to use the toolkit will be launched in FY2024 via SABES

Contact Dana Varzan-Parker for questions on the class visit toolkit.

Educator Growth and Effectiveness

Grounded in the Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education, the Educator Growth and Effectiveness (EGE) Model is a six-step process of continuous learning to improve teachers' professional practices. It was developed to support teachers and directors in reflecting upon and taking an active role in improving instructional practices. It is grounded in three key questions:

  • Are students learning?
  • What is the teacher doing that contributes to and supports the learning?
  • What else might the teacher do to enhance student learning?

The EGE Model guides teachers through a continuous learning cycle and provides a process that can be adopted or adapted according to local program and staff needs and resources.

The SABES Program Support PD Center provides support, guidance, and PD to program directors and EGE team leaders to assist them in adopting and adapting the EGE Model according to needs and resources; contact them for more information or to begin using the EGE Model.

For more information about these educator effectiveness resources, contact Dana Varzan-Parker , ACLS Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Specialist. All resources associated with the Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education, the proficiency guides, and the EGE Model meet the states' standards for high quality professional development and incorporate current research and evidence-based instruction.

Adult Basic Education Licensure

Adult educators are eligible to seek a provisional license that is valid for five years from the date of issue or a Professional License that is valid for five years and renewable for additional five-year terms.

Indicators of Effective Advising

The Indicators are concise descriptors of effective advising for community adult learning centers. They were developed to help community adult learning programs strengthen their advising component. The Indicators reflect responsibilities of all staff to support the work of the advisor and to meet students' ongoing goal setting needs.

1 The ESOL Professional Standards document has a proficiency guide embedded in it.

Last Updated: October 29, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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