Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo
Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Adult Education Funding Opportunities

Question and Answer documents to RFP's will be posted in the column labeled — Attachments. They will be updated weekly for RFP's until the closing date listed in each RFP.

Funding YearFund CodeProgram NameDate PostedDate DueGrant TypeType of FundingAttachmentsContact
FY25 0340/0345/0359a FY2025: Adult Education and Family Literacy Services 5/22/2024 6/7/2024 Continuation State, Federal
FY25 0671/0661/0359 FY2025: MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL 5/24/2024 6/7/2024 Continuation State, Federal
FY25 0285/0563 FY2025: Adult Education in Correctional Institutions Continuation 5/22/2024 6/7/2024 Continuation State, Federal
FY25 452 FY2025: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Competitive Grant 4/9/2024 5/10/2024 Competitive Federal
FY25 306 FY2025: Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 for State Correctional Educational Agencies 4/1/2024 5/10/2024 Federal Federal
FY24-FY25 494/495 FY2024 & FY2025: Workplace Education Grant 2/8/2024 Phase 1: March 15, 2024 Phase 2: June 5, 2024 Competitive State, Federal FY24 Workplace Education Bidders Conference
FY24-FY25 494/495 FY2024 & FY2025: Workplace Education Grant 2/8/2024 Phase 1: March 15, 2024 Phase 2: June 5, 2024 Competitive State, Federal FY24 Workplace Education RFP Q & A
FY25 538 FY2025: MassLINKS — Adult Education Virtual School 2/8/2024 3/22/2024 Competitive State FY2025 MassLINKS RFP Q & A
FY24 565 FY2024: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) in Correctional Institutions (Planning Grant) 2/12/2024 2/26/2024 Competitive State
FY24-FY25 0671/0661/0359 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation Requests for Proposals 2/6/2024 Planning: March 1, 2024 Implemenation: April 26, 2024 Competitive State, Federal Adult Education Data for New Applicants
FY24-FY25 0671/0661/0359 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation Requests for Proposals 2/6/2024 Planning: March 1, 2024 Implemenation: April 26, 2024 Competitive State, Federal Adult Education Data for Current Grantees
FY24-FY25 0671/0661/0359 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation Requests for Proposals 2/6/2024 Planning: March 1, 2024 Implemenation: April 26, 2024 Competitive State, Federal FY25 MassSTEP ESOL and ABE Planning and Implementation RFP Q and A
FY23-FY24 494/495 Workplace Education 2/6/2023 2/17/2023: Phase 1 5/26/2023: Phase 2 Competitive Federal FY23-FY24 Workplace Education Q & A
FY24 668 Adult Education Transition to College 12/30/2022 2/24/2023 Competitive State FY24 Transition to College Q & A 781-338-3850
FY24-FY28 340/345/359 Adult Education and Family Literacy Services 7/25/2022 10/24/2022 Competitive State, Federal FY24-FY28 Adult Education RFP Q & A (CALC/AECI) 781-338-3850
FY24 285/563 Adult Education in Correctional Institutions Program Services 7/25/2022 10/24/2022 Competitive State, Federal FY24-FY28 Adult Education RFP Q & A (CALC/AECI) 781-338-3850
FY24 287 Primary Instruction by Volunteers 8/29/2022 1/23/2023 Competitive State FY24 Primary Instruction by Volunteers RFP Q & A 781-338-3850
FY23-FY24 661/671/359 FY2023 & FY2024: MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation Requests for Proposals 2/2/2023 02/17/2023: Planning 5/12/2023: Implementation Competitive State, Federal FY23-FY24 MassSTEP ESOL and ABE Planning and Implementation RFP Q and A
FY23 452 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Competitive Grant 8/19/2022 9/13/2022 Competitive Federal FY23 Adult Education Perkins RFP Q&A 781-338-3850
FY23 661/671/359 MassSTEP ABE and ESOL 6/30/2022 8/5/2022 Competitive State, Federal MassSTEP ABE and ESOL RFP Q & A
FY23 340/671/345/661/359/285/563 Adult Education Services Continuation 5/11/2022 6/3/2022 Continuation State, Federal
FY23 850 High School Equivalency Test Centers 5/3/2022 6/3/2022 Continuation State
FY23 668 Adult Education Transition to Community College 4/19/2022 5/20/2022 Continuation State
FY23 287 Primary Instruction by Volunteers 4/15/2022 6/3/2022 Continuation State
FY23 494 Workplace Education 4/14/2022 6/3/2022 Continuation Federal

Last Updated: June 7, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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