Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

MassLINKS | Adult Education Online Academy

MassLINKS is Massachusetts' Statewide Adult Education Virtual Academy

MassLINKS provides access to free educational services for residents of Massachusetts supporting their educational attainment and employability through rigorous, standards based basic skills and/or English language instruction, workplace readiness instruction, and college preparation activities. All instruction and services are delivered remotely.

Coursework will prepare students for college, training opportunities and/or employment, including within the high priority industries of Massachusetts.

MassLINKS aims to:

  • assist eligible individuals in attaining a high school credential and in the transition to college and training, including through career pathways;
  • support eligible individuals to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency;
  • support immigrants and other individuals who are English language learners — improving their reading, writing, speaking, and comprehensive skills in English and mathematics;
  • support eligible individuals who are parents or family members to:
    1. obtain the education and skills that are necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children;
    2. result in sustainable improvements in the economic opportunities for their family.

woman on a laptop
man on a laptop

For Students:

Learn more about the MassLINKS program.

Class Offerings Include:

  • HiSET and GED preparation
  • Humanities — English Language Arts
    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
  • English for College and Career
    (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels)
  • Adult Basic Education

For Community Organizations

To connect your organization and refer students to MassLINKS by contacting the MassLINKS Team.

MassLINKS funding from ACLS is awarded to Mount Wachusett Community College which delivers all services virtually.

Last Updated: June 24, 2022