High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Program

HSE Testing Program

GED OnLine Testing is not available in Massachusetts. You can access In-person GED testing at a test center or you can take the HiSET On Line, Login | PSI Online (psiexams.com)

Please call 781-338-6625 with any questions.

Combining GED® and HiSET® Scores

Effective November 23, 2022, Massachusetts High School Equivalency candidates will be able to combine GED® and HiSET® subtest scores to complete the requirements of their High School Equivalency Credential.

Candidates may take subtests for either exam in any order. Passing scores will remain the same, 145 minimum per subtest for GED® and a minimum score of 8 and an average of 9 for HiSET® (minimum 2 for the essay on HiSET LA Writing).

Candidates will continue see their subtest scores on the respective assessment websites, (www.GED.com/www.hiset.org) and the combined scores will be available when the student completes their testing and the transcript is generated at www.diplomasender.com.

Please feel free to contact the HSE Team with any questions and concerns.

Free HiSET® Testing for MA Residents Starting February 6, 2023

Effective February 6, 2023, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will pay for a candidate's first HiSET® test in each subject plus two retakes per subject.

When scheduling your HiSET® test at an official test center or at home enter a promo code MAHISET during the checkout.

Free GED® Testing for MA Residents Starting September 12, 2022

Effective September 12, 2022, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts will pay for a candidate's first GED® test in each subject plus limited retakes (two retests per subject).

  • First test in a subject: MAFREEGED1
  • Retake in a subject: MARETAKE
  • Second retake in a subject: MAFREEGED1

Any payment of HSE exams by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is contingent on available funding.

HiSET® offers a remote (at home) proctored testing option to Massachusetts candidates. To schedule an exam at home, visit the vendor websites: HiSET Exam at Home.

If you have questions you may send an email to HSET@mass.gov with your name and phone number and someone will call you back with information.

Below is a comparison of the GED® and HiSET® remote proctored testing options.

HiSET Testing Online Requirements
HSE Testing in MAHiSET®
Product NameHiSET Exam at Home/Online Proctored HiSET
Proctor VendorPSI
PriceFree for Mass. residents with promo code MAHISET
Retest PolicyTwice per calendar year
Minimum Age16 with a letter of withdrawal: Under-18 Special Requirements
Spanish Tests AvailableYes
Combine with previous scoresYes
Also can combine GED® and HiSET® subtest scores
Scratch PaperErasable white board or clear plastic sheet with erasable pen
System Requirements

Must be a desktop or laptop computer, not a tablet or mobile device

Must use Windows® operating system, versions 10 or 11

Must use macOS 11(Big Sur), macOS 12(Monterey), macOS 13 (Ventura)

Please use the latest version of the Chrome browser

For more information see: [PSI Bridge FAQ] System Requirements – PSI Support

Registration information and more details.www.hiset.org

Welcome to the Massachusetts State High School Equivalency Testing Program. The Massachusetts High School Equivalency Team, housed within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, oversees:

  • The issuing of the Massachusetts High School Equivalency credential, a nationally-recognized document that is accepted by virtually all colleges, universities, and employers in the country as exactly equivalent to a high school diploma; and
  • The administration of the tests required to earn the credential.
  • DiplomaSender
    • If you previously received a GED® or HiSET® credential from Massachusetts but need official verification of that or a transcript of your scores.
    • If you have recently passed the GED® test or the HiSET® and are wondering where your credential and transcripts are.
    • If you are a school, college, employer, or other third-party entity seeking to verify that an individual previously received a GED® or HiSET® credential from Massachusetts.

Annually, over 3000 individuals attain their High School Equivalency in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education produced this video to help you discover how you can achieve your second chance:

Disclosure Statement: Reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Our office is not responsible for and does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of information in other sites accessible through links herein. DESE may supplement this list with other services and products that meet the specified criteria. For more information contact: HSET@mass.gov or 781-338-6625.

Last Updated: October 29, 2024

Contact Us

Olympia Stroud
High School Equivalency Program Coordinator II
(781) 338-6625