Each of the state's 16 local workforce areas have one or more (AE) Adult Education agencies providing outstationing services. Outstationing staff serve as liaisons between the AE system and the MassHire Career Center system to provide two-way referrals. AE programs receiving outstationing funds are required to develop a process agreed upon by local area AE programs to facilitate this system.
To connect with the outstationed coordinator in your area, please refer to the contact list below.
Outstationing Coordinator Contact List
Outstationing Policy
Agencies receiving outstationing funds are required to email mid-year and final reports to Michael.A.Farma@mass.gov at ACLS. The agency's ACLS program specialist, MassHire Career Center director, and MassHire Workforce Board executive director should also be copied on the report.
The mid-year report is due January 31 and must include all data from September 1 – December 31. The final report is due July 31 and must include data from the entire fiscal year. For instructions on how to complete the reports, please see Directions for Outstationing Reports.
Directions for Outstationing Reports
Sample Outstationing Report
Last Updated: March 27, 2023