The following documents are not the most recent versions of the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Frameworks. To view the current frameworks, please visit Current ABE Frameworks page.
Massachusetts ABE Curriculum Framework for English for Speakers of Other Languages (2005)
Massachusetts Reading Strand of the ABE English Language Arts Curriculum Framework (2010)
Massachusetts ABE English Language Arts Curriculum Framework (2005)
Massachusetts ABE Reading Standards and Benchmarks, Levels One through Three (2011)
Level One (Beginning ABE Literacy — 0-1.9 GLE) Massachusetts ABE Reading Standards and Benchmarks (2011)
Massachusetts ABE Math and Numeracy Curriculum Framework (2005)
Massachusetts ABE Health Curriculum Framework (2001)
Massachusetts ABE History and Social Sciences Curriculum Framework (2001)
For more information or questions, please contact Jane Schwerdtfeger . Thank you.
Last Updated: March 6, 2019