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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Moving Assessments Forward in FY2024

To:Program Directors and Assessment Coordinators
Cc:ACLS Staff, SABES Staff
From:Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director
Date:March 24, 2023

Any assessment administered on or after April 1 in FY2023 may be moved forward in FY2024 and used as a pre-test until December 31, 2023.

If a student has two previous assessments, the most recent assessment may be moved forward. For example, a student's test administered in April 2023 (FY2022) can be moved forward and used as a pre-test into the next fiscal year from July 1, 2023 (FY2024) until December 31, 2023.

If the student has an assessment administered in April 2023 and another assessment administered in June 2023, only the June 2023 assessment can be moved forward.

If the student leaves before June 30, 2023, and returns after December 31, 2023, the student must be pre-tested again.

Tests that were moved forward from FY2022 into FY2023 cannot be further moved forward into FY2024. Tests administered in FY2023 and moved forward in FY2024 can be used as pre-tests in FY2024 only until December 31, 2023.

This assessment update will also be posted on the ACLS Assessment page.

Last Updated: March 27, 2023

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