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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Massachusetts ADA Standards

  1. ADA Coordinator: ABE programs must have an ADA Coordinator. The ADA Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that a program is in compliance with both the federal Adults with Disabilities Act and Massachusetts' ADA requirements. S/he is also responsible for duties including, but not limited to: answering ADA related questions; ensuring that persons with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations; investigating ADA related complaints and grievances; ensuring that program policies and practices are non-discriminatory; providing orientation for new staff and ADA related training at least annually for all staff; developing a system that ensures all confidential information is secured in locked files; and verifying and documenting that the program is accessible and usable.

  2. Public Notice: ABE programs must establish and post a public notice that a) informs students, employees, and the general public that all programs, activities, and employment opportunities are provided without regard to race, color, gender, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, and disability, and b) provides the names(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of the ADA Coordinator(s) responsible for Title II (ADA), Title VI (race, national origin), Title IX (gender), and Section 504 (disability). The public notice is available in 14 languages on the ACLS website. It is recommended that the public notice be posted in at least three of the languages most widely spoken by the student body.

  3. Grievance Procedure: ABE programs must establish and publish a written grievance procedure. The grievance procedure should provide a mechanism for staff and students to address issues of non-compliance with state and federal laws relating to discrimination and equal access. The grievance procedure must include the ADA Coordinator's name, office address, telephone number and hours available. An email address is not required by law, but is strongly recommended. The grievance procedure is available in 14 languages on the ACLS website. It is recommended that the grievance procedure be posted in at least three of the languages most widely spoken by the student body.

  4. Self-Evaluation: ABE programs must conduct a one-time self-evaluation to ensure the program's policies are non-discriminatory and the facility is accessible. Use of the self-evaluation helps to ensure that a program is in compliance with the ADA. The original must be submitted to ACLS and a copy must be kept on file at the program site. If a program moves to another facility, a new self-evaluation must be completed and submitted to ACLS no later than 30 business days after relocation to the new facility. View guidelines for the self-evaluation. It is recommended that programs conduct a self-evaluation prior to each new funding cycle.

  5. Transition Plan: ABE programs must be barrier free. All physical barriers must be reported to the ACLS Program Specialist within 48 hours of identification of the barrier, and a transition plan for barrier removal must be developed and submitted within 30 business days. The transition plan must include a detailed description of any barrier(s) that exist, a description of what is being done to remove the barrier(s), and a target date for completion of the corrective action(s). For multi-step barrier removal activities, a list of the steps to be taken and a comprehensive timeline must be included. ACLS requires quarterly updates on transition plans that include barrier removal work.

Last Updated: November 5, 2014

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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