Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Career Pathways

Users can find information on Federal and State Career Pathways policy on this webpage as well as Adult and Community Learning Service's Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ACT (WIOA) webpage. For information on Career Pathways Collaborations, see Chapter 3 of the FY19-FY23 Massachusetts Policies for Effective Adult Education in Community Adult Learning Centers (CALCs) and Correctional Institutions (AECIs) . For the Indicators of Program Quality, see Program Quality webpage. For information on how the IPQs inform program quality reviews, see the FY2021 Program Quality Review Protocol.

Career pathways are developed and maintained through collaborations among workforce development partners, including AE providers, MassHire Workforce Boards, MassHire Career Centers, training providers, postsecondary education providers, employers, and other stakeholders. They include three essential features:

  1. Well-connected and transparent education, training, credentialing, and support services.

  2. Multiple entry points that enable students to enter the career pathway.

  3. Multiple exit points at successively higher levels leading to self- or family-supporting employment1.

Graphic showing three core features of a career pathway.

At the top, five red arrows pointing down right are spread across the page.  The first arrow states 'e.g., ABE, TANF, or workforce system.' The second arrow states 'e.g., high school or CTE.'  The third arrow states: 'e.g., military or civilian workplace.'  The fourth arrow states 'e.g., postsecondary system.'  The fifth arrow states 'e.g., apprenticeship.'

All five arrows point at a purple horizontal arrow that points toward the right side of the page.  At the base of the arrow and directly below the first red arrow, an oval states 'bridge(s).  Text at the top of the arrow states: 'Increasing skills, competencies and credentials informed by industry/employers.'

Below the purple arrow, 4 maroon arrows pointing down right at four blue ovals.  The first arrow (below the base of the 'bridge(s)' oval in the purple arrow above), text that states 'e.g., license, industry credential.'  This arrow points to a blue oval that has text that states: '1st Job in Career Path.'  Text in the second arrow states 'e.g., certificate, diploma.'  This arrow points to a blue oval that has text that states: '2nd Job in Career Path.'  Text in the third arrow states 'e.g., 2-year degree.'  This arrow points to a blue oval that has text that states '3rd Job in Career Path.'  Text in the fourth arrow states 'e.g., 4-year degree.'  This arrow points to a blue oval that has text that states 'Nth Job in Career path.'

1 Center for Law and Social Policy (2014). Shared Vision, Strong Systems Framework Version 1.0.

2 Integrating Technology in WIOA , Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (2015)

Last Updated: August 1, 2022