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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Program Quality Reviews

During this current five-year funding cycle (FY2019–FY2023), every program that was originally awarded in FY2019 has received a program quality review (PQR):

  • Approximately 33% of programs received a review in Year 1 (Cohort 1 ).
  • Approximately 33% of programs received a review in Year 2 (Cohort 2 ).
  • Approximately 33% of programs received a review in Year 3 (Cohort 3 ).

There are no PQR scheduled for this year (Year 4) or next (Year 5) due to the upcoming open and competitive rebid. Reviews are scheduled to resume in FY2024 at the beginning of the next funding cycle.

The primary purpose of program quality reviews is to drive program improvement. To accomplish this, PQR conducted during this current cycle identified areas for improvement in four of the ACLS Indicators of Program Quality (IPQ): Career Pathways Collaboration, Curriculum and Instruction, Organizational Support, and Educational Leadership.

ACLS is updating its PQR protocol for the next competitive cycle in light of the new Indicators of Program Quality that were adopted this year (FY2022). To prepare for the next cycle, programs are encouraged to review the new IPQ and also the summative reports from FY2019, FY2020, and FY2021. These reports provide a state-level view of programs' areas of strength and areas of challenge and also identify many promising practices that were observed during the reviews:

Last Updated: February 4, 2022

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