ACLS submits aggregate quantitative participant information and outcomes to the National Reporting System each October. Massachusetts performance can be viewed and compared to other states via the NRS public access portal.
Since the start of WIOA, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) has assigned expected levels of performance (targets) for the Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) performance indicator to states. Starting in FY21, OCTAE expects Massachusetts to meet negotiated levels of performance for the post-exit employment and credential indicators. In the spring of 2026, OCTAE will negotiate FY27 and FY28 performance targets.
OCTAE and states arrive at targets based on four factors: how levels compare to other states; application of a statistical adjustment model; how levels promote continuous improvement; and the extent to which the levels assist the US Department of Education in meeting GPRA targets.
Massachusetts Expected Levels of Performance
The statistical adjustment model contributes to expected levels of states' performance and adjusts the levels to reflect changes in states' economic conditions (e.g. unemployment rates and job losses or gains in particular industries) and participant characteristics (e.g. barriers to employment).
ACLS has not determined how to incorporate post-exit outcomes into the state accountability system.
* Participants who exited during the program year (July 1 – June 30).
** Participants who exited between January 1 and December 31 of the current year minus two years (e.g., FY24 reported 4th quarter employment and credential attainment rates are for participants who exited during calendar year 2022).
Last Updated: October 10, 2024