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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Desk Review

The goal of the desk review process is to improve data quality. It is the responsibility of ACLS to ensure that students receive the best services possible and that public funds are expended properly. LACES is the primary window through which ACLS views grantee performance. This requires accurate and timely data collection and entry. To accomplish this, ACLS staff and grantees must look at and understand the data in the same way. By regularly reviewing enrollment, waitlist, assessment, and post-exit outcomes, grantees and program specialists will identify areas of high performance and of concern and respond accordingly.

By monitoring and understanding their LACES data, program directors will be able to (1) correct any errors that they find in their data, (2) identify and respond to areas of success or underperformance, (3) report to stakeholders, and (4) examine and ensure that ACLS analyses reflect program efforts. This collaborative process ensures that ACLS has complete and accurate information when determining enrollment- and performance-based adjustments to grant awards, and that providers understand the methodology and data informing funding decisions.

Desk Review Hot Topics

Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director, announced exciting changes to the FY23 desk review process .

Last Updated: September 15, 2022

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