Office of Educator Licensure

How to Use the ELAR Portal?

What is the Educator Licensure And Renewal (ELAR) portal?

The Educator Licensure And Renewal (ELAR) portal is our comprehensive online licensure application system.

It enables licensure applicants to create and access their personal profile as well as:

  • Submit and pay for license and endorsement applications online
  • Renew licenses and endorsements online
  • Check, in real-time, the status of all applications
  • Review correspondence from a licensure evaluator
  • Upload documents right into ELAR
  • Request and pay for a hard copy of license(s)
  • Print unofficial copy of license(s)

The Department launched a new Educator Licensure and Renewal (ELAR) system to support our educators, prospective educators, school districts and approved preparation programs (sponsoring organizations) on May 2nd. As we navigate through the transition to the new system, additional guides and resources will be posted to assist in the user experience.

Creating and Managing Your ELAR Account: Obtaining Your MEPID

If this is your first time using the ELAR system, you will need to create a profile. This page provides information related to how to create a profile, find your User Name, and/or reset your password. Once a profile is created the ELAR system will generate a Massachusetts Education Personnel ID (MEPID) number for you.

The MEPID is a unique identifier assigned to all educators and to school district staff in Massachusetts. A MEPID will be assigned to anyone who creates a profile in ELAR. Once an applicant creates a profile, their MEPID can be found in the Personal Information section on the Inquiry Activity — Summary page in ELAR.

Uploading Documents to Your ELAR Account

Accepting documents via the upload documents process reduces the overallevaluation / processing time required by Licensure Specialists in the Office of Educator Licensure. Applicants, authorized school district staff and MA approved educator preparation programs can upload documents directly into an applicant's account in ELAR. Hardcopy applications and payments by money order or bank check must still be mailed to the Office of Educator Licensure. Please do not upload or fax these documents.

ELAR Guides

Last Updated: January 16, 2025