Office of Educator Licensure

How to Obtain an Academic PreK-12 License

  • Academic PreK-12 Licenses are offered in the following categories: Teacher, Teacher Specialist, Administrator and Professional Support Personnel. General requirements for available license types (Temporary, Provisional, Initial, and Professional) can be found on the License Types and Validity page.

  • Educator Preparation: One of the requirements for obtaining an Initial Teaching or Teaching Specialist License is the completion of an approved educator preparation program. This requirement can be met in a number of settings. These settings include the completion of a program from a specified College, University, or Alternative/Practice-Based Licensure Program, or through the performance review program PRPIL.

  • Military Spouse Licensure and Expedited Reviews for Military Personnel: Veterans, or current service members, may request an expedited review of their application for a Massachusetts educator license or endorsement. A military spouse who holds a valid teaching certificate from another state comparable to one sought in Massachusetts, may qualify for a Military Spouse license.

  • Out-of-state applicants seeking their first license in the State of Massachusetts could qualify for one of three (3) types of Academic PreK-12 educator licenses: Temporary, Provisional, or Initial.

  • SEI Endorsement: To qualify for a first Initial license in Massachusetts as a; core academic teacher, principal/assistant principal, or supervisor/director, an educator must hold a Sheltered English Immersion endorsement.

Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Link to ELAR

Contact Us

Office of Educator Licensure
135 Santilli Highway
Everett, MA 02149
Fax: 781-338-3391

Licensure Call Center: 781-338-6600
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–12pm & 2pm–5pm.

Walk-in Welcome Center Service Counter
Hours: Monday–Friday
8:45am – 4:45pm
Located on the 3rd floor

Please be sure to bring a form of photo identification that includes your name (cannot be a photo copy) with you when visiting ESE.