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Educator Effectiveness

2017 State Annual Report/Title II FAQ

  • What should I submit for Supervising Practitioner contact info?

    Every year, the Department surveys teachers who serve as a Supervising Practitioner in the current year to assess their perceptions of candidate readiness. To increase our response rates, we plan to issue the survey before the end of the school year in May, which is before the CAP data collection deadline . DESE will collect Supervising Practitioner contact information through the 2018 State Annual Report to act on this portion of the data we need earlier. SOs who use the CAP Online Platform will certify their data's accuracy. SOs that do not use the CAP Online Platform will upload their data through SurveyGizmo. SOs should be uploading or verifying data from 2017-2018. The spreadsheet should include the following data points:

    • Supervising Practitioner name
    • Supervising Practitioner email
    • Supervising Practitioner MEPID
    • Candidate Name
    • Candidate MEPID
    • Candidate practicum school and district

Last Updated: July 3, 2020

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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