Educator Effectiveness

Ed Prep Primary Contact Advisory

The Educator Preparation Team at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requires all currently approved Sponsoring Organizations to maintain up-to-date contact information with the Department. This is particularly important given the evolving nature and content of the communication that Ed Prep sends to Sponsoring Organizations on a regular basis. In particular, the role of "Primary Ed Prep Contact" is essential to ensuring that organizations are well informed about the latest expectations and news from ESE.

The Primary Ed Prep Contact, as designated by each individual Sponsoring Organization:

  • Receives every communication from the Ed Prep Team
  • Is expected to distribute communication to the relevant parties within their organization in a timely manner
  • Is the point of contact for any inquires or questions from his or her organization to DESE and is responsible for coordinating and communicating the responses
  • Is expected to have the necessary authority and oversight within the organization to effectively support communication. To this end, we suggest that you select someone as the Primary Ed Prep Contact that:
    • can easily and quickly share information with the right people,
    • has a breadth of knowledge about individual programmatic features of your organization,
    • is a connector at your organization, and
    • is a strong liaison between DESE and the individuals in your institution.

DESE also collects contact information for various other roles to more effectively target and distribute communication within an organization. Some of these additional roles are required and others are optional. Below is a list of organization roles and the types of communication that the people in those roles should expect from ESE. We appreciate the variety of Sponsoring Organizations in the Commonwealth and understand that for some, one person will serve multiple roles. As a reminder, these contact roles are in addition to the Primary Ed Prep Contact who will, regardless of the targeted communication to these specialized roles, receive all communication.

Other Sponsoring
Organization Contacts
Required or OptionalNotes on the Role & Anticipated Communication
Ed Prep Decision MakerRequiredLikely the Dean or the Executive Director, this individual has direct authority over licensure programs within your organization. He or she can expect to receive minimal communication (unless also identified as the primary or secondary contact) and will only be included on emails associated with significant announcements.
Sponsoring Organization LeaderRequiredIn smaller organizations, this individual may also be the Ed Prep Decision Maker. In larger, traditional Institutes of Higher Education, this is likely your President/Provost/Chancellor. This individual receives the least amount of communication and is primarily contacted to announce and conclude a period of review.
Secondary Ed Prep ContactOptionalThis individual is CC'd on all communication to the Primary Ed Prep Contact.
Field-Based Experiences ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about field-placement (pre-practicum or practicum) experiences (e.g., new CAP Guidelines).
Licensure ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about licensure, MTEL and/or the Early ID system.
Data ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication about the data associated with Ed Prep, including for instance updates on Edwin Analytics, Public Profiles, the release of survey results, etc.
PK12 Partnership ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication related to the cultivation or sustainability of partnerships with PK12 schools/districts.
Administrative Leadership ContactOptionalThis individual receives any communication related to the Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL).

Beginning in August of 2016, DESE will collect this information from all organizations annually. If contacts or roles change during the course of the year, please inform us by emailing . In both cases, DESE requires that the current Ed Prep Decision Maker or Sponsoring Organization Leader updates the organization's contact information. All contact information is for DESE's internal and official use only and will not be distributed without permission.

Each individual Sponsoring Organization is also responsible for updating public-facing contact information available through our Public Profiles. Directions for updating this information can be found at Directory Administration Guide .

Finally, if individuals within your organization are looking for additional ways to stay connected with DESE's Educator Preparation Team and would like to receive our latest updates, we encourage them to sign up for our Quarterly Educator Preparation Newsletter. Please email to be added to the subscription list.

Last Updated: June 30, 2017