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FY2022-2023 CALC RFP, FC 661/671 Questions & Answers (Q & A)

Questions from the Bidders' Conference on August 8, 2021

Q.1. If our organization is not awarded the grant, can we apply for the adult ed designation and self-fund the program? If the organization does not get the DESE grant, can we self-fund and still offer adult ed services?

A.1. There are many adult ed programs that are not funded by DESE. You can find other funds to run adult ed services. There is no approval process for programs that use other funding sources. Only DESE funded programs must comply with DESE policies and be approved by DESE to receive funding.

Q.2. How do non-DESE funded programs report completions and diplomas and how are those completions reconciled with DESE reporting?

A.2. In the past we allowed programs not in our system (not funded by DESE) to record data in our database system. If there is a need to be part of the system for data recording, we can discuss that. We can talk more about reporting diplomas and completions off-line. Please note, that every student who gets a high school credential (HiSET or GED) gets recorded in our system. We can discuss this further off-line. You may contact Wyvonne Stevens-Carter to further discuss those questions and we will get Mike Farma involved as he works on the high school equivalency team.

Q.3. When will classes be expected to start.

A.3. We will not be able to get award notices out until some time in October. You might be able to start right away but some organizations will need more time to get ready before they can start services. We would like you to start as soon as you can. Budgets should be submitted based on cost for a complete year of funding. Grants will be negotiated and prorated for the first year prior to receiving the award. (Red text indicates the modified response which is different from the answer given at the bidders' conference.)

Q.4. We are a regional alternative charter school serving disconnected youth up to age 24. We need and want an adult ed option for students. But we'd be small, definitely not 50 students. Does that mean we should plan to self-fund given this grant's preference is for larger programs?

A.4. No, it does not mean that you are excluded from this competition. We will consider programs serving fewer than 50 students if they are competitive and provide a rationale, serve a unique population, and/or meet a unique need. If you are talking about 10 students — this might not be the grant for you, if you are thinking 30–40 you should consider applying for this grant. You can apply no matter how many students you are requesting, and the application will be reviewed and considered.

Q.5. If a class begins in September can this class be considered for ABE funding in this round?

A.5. Yes. We are trying to build capacity in our system and would like to consider new innovative services. If there are things, we would not fund we will negotiate them after award.

Q.6. Our organizational budget is under the threshold for an audit. Would a recent 990 suffice?

A.6. The organization needs to submit an audit if gross receipts in total exceed $200,000, and a full financial if over $500,000. See this link for more information: Audits and Reviews for charitable organizations |

Q.7. If I do not use 2 pages for part one, can I add that page to the 18 pages for part III and submit our response using 19 pages?

A.7. Yes, if part 1 is 1 page you can use the extra page for part III, but the total may not exceed 20 pages.

Q.8. Regarding eligibility of students in the program? Does the citizenship status of a student affect the eligibility for the program?

A.8. No, it does not. Citizenship status is not an eligibility criterion for DESE funded adult education services.

Questions Received After August 8, 2021

Q.9. We have been running a fee-based ESOL program separate from the Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro DESE funded programs — based on ongoing demand for these classes in the Fall River and New Bedford areas. Note that the Bristol Fall River DESE grant is for HSE programming only. I understand that Bristol Fall River and New Bedford campuses were not funded by DESE( or for ESOL) since the SER Jobs and UMass Worker Education programs were funded for ESOL in these areas. We do regularly refer potential students to these free programs, but they always maintain waitlists, so students end up paying for the classes (at $125) we regularly run based on need. Bristol also runs for-credit ESL classes at Fall River and New Bedford campuses that are funded either through Pell monies or students pay out of pocket ($750 per class). The credits for most of these classes cannot be applied to a degree or certificate program at Bristol, and students can end up taking up to eight of them before transitioning to a credit program.

I am writing to see if you believe it is possible to apply for this new funding to run one or two sequences of academic ESOL classes (Fall River and/or New Bedford) — which would allow us to differentiate from the SER and UMass's offerings, with the goals of creating an academic ESOL pathway and of eradicating the need for students to take the credit courses. Since Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro are separate grants/programs and we would be targeting New Bedford (while serving Fall River ESOL too), are we able to apply as a new program or if DESE's believes that we are one program, will there be a separate opportunity to expand the "program" to include these classes?

A.9. This RFP is intended for new agencies that are not currently funded by DESE for CALC services. Bristol Community College has currently multiple grants to offer adult education services, so it is not eligible to apply under this RFP.

Questions Received After August 19, 2021

Q.10. We currently, have a contract for providing services in Worcester, MA/central MA region only, and not at all in or for folks residing in Western MA/West Springfield region. Someone suggested that we may in fact be eligible to apply and need your help to confirm. With this grant opportunity, we wanted to pursue a new service opportunity in West Springfield/Western MA region, which, from our perspective would be a new contract. Thus, would we be eligible to apply (as "an eligible agency with demonstrated experience") for a new service/contract in West Springfield/Western MA region, separate and distinct from our existing contract in Worcester?

A.10. This RFP is intended for agencies not currently funded by DESE for CALC services. Since your agency has a grant with us for adult education services in Worcester, it is not eligible to apply under this RFP.

Questions received after August 24, 2021 due date will not be answered or posted.

Last Updated: August 25, 2021

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