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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

FY2025 Student Intake Form

WIOA requires that programs identify those adults who, in addition to being eligible for services, face one or more barriers to employment. This requirement is intended to shed light on how well students with barriers are being served by the workforce system.

Programs may use whatever intake forms they wish as long as the forms solicit and collect all the information needed to do data entry in LACES. (Note: Programs enrolling students in HSE preparation classes (i.e., pre-ASE and ASE levels) must enter student information in LACES (i.e., student name and DOB) as it appears on the government issued picture ID the student will be using to register for the HiSET® and/or GED® exam. This policy is to ensure proper data matching with HiSET® and GED® records. Programs may wish to keep a photocopy of the ID on file or scanned into LACES.)

At the beginning of each fiscal year, programs are expected to complete new intakes for all students, including those who are continuing from the previous year.

Last Updated: September 4, 2024

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