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ACLS Policy Memo #2024-01: Citizenship Education

To:Program Directors and SABES Directors
From:Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director
Date:January 19, 2024

The following clarifies citizenship education policy for ACLS-funded Community Adult Learning Centers (CALCs).

Citizenship classes are not an allowable use of direct ACLS funding or match funding. It is the position of ACLS that content focused solely on preparation to pass the Citizenship and Naturalization Test does not align to ACLS curriculum requirements (i.e., the CCRSAE for ABE instruction and the MA ELPS for ESOL instruction).

ACLS understands that some programs are currently providing citizenship classes that were proposed and approved for FY24. For this reason, ACLS considers it appropriate that such programs continue these classes for FY24 as planned with the understanding that all students currently enrolled in them will receive both a pre-test and a post-test this year.

Beginning in FY25, however, ACLS will not approve directly funded citizenship classes or citizenship classes funded with match. Programs that wish to continue providing citizenship classes are required to secure funding from other sources.

Last Updated: January 24, 2024

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