Teach Massachusetts


Unexpected rewards of a career in education

Teaching is both an art and science. It is the most difficult, most rewarding, and most important of careers. To help energize and diversify our educational workforce and keep striving for high educational standards, Massachusetts offers a variety of incentives. These added benefits attract those looking to enter the field and current educators looking to advance their careers. Incentives are offered at the local, state, and federal level.

Some incentives that help people be aMAzing Educators

  • Financial Aid and Loan Forgiveness for Teachers: Massachusetts offers grants and scholarships for aspiring educators, and teachers may qualify for loan forgiveness through the U.S. Department of Education.

  • Teacher Retirement Benefits: The Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System is the largest contribution-based retirement system in Massachusetts. It currently has more than 168,000 members.

  • Educator Recognition Programs: Recognition programs for educators vary depending on grade levels and subjects taught. While all classroom teachers should be recognized on a daily basis at their individual schools, DESE annually honors exemplary educators through various recognition programs, including Massachusetts Teacher of the Year, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) and the History Teacher of the Year Program.

  • National Board Certification: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that operates a national, voluntary system to assess and certify teachers who meet high and rigorous standards of accomplished teaching. Districts may choose to offer additional incentives for National Board Certified educators and provide subsidies for the costs associated with the certification.

  • Potential Educator Discounts within Your Community: Local businesses and large retail chains often provide discounts on products and services for educators. Additional discounts and incentives may be available through your local union or association. When purchasing supplies for your classroom, be sure to ask and show your school ID card.

Last Updated: April 1, 2019