Teach Massachusetts

Diversity in Education

Influence 100

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has launched Influence 100 to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of superintendents in Massachusetts, create more culturally responsive districts and leaders across the state, and promote better outcomes for students. Influence 100 includes a fellowship program for qualified educators who desire to move into the superintendent role in the next five years and support for school districts to become more culturally responsive and to engage in intentional strategy development and execution around diversifying their educator workforce.

The InSPIRED* Fellowship

Applications close at 11:59 pm EST on Friday, September 20th, 2019. Apply today!

InSPIRED Fellows are In-Service Professionals who are committed to Increasing the Racial and Ethnic Diversity of our teacher workforce by recruiting students and young adults from target communities at the high school, community college or undergraduate level into the teaching profession. This Fellowship is designed around two goals:

  • Increase the diversity of the teaching workforce in Massachusetts and

  • Increase the retention rates of current educators committed to a culturally responsive and diverse workforce.

This highly-selective opportunity is for current educators with close connections to their school-communities and the ability to connect with students in target districts, to recruit the next generation of culturally responsive, diverse and effective teachers. These connections may exist for a variety of reasons, including, for instance: growing up in the district, being a fluent speaker of the predominant in-home language of many of the students in that community, or being a first-generation college student.

Educators in these the following target districts are strongly encouraged to apply: Boston, Brockton, Chelsea, Everett, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Randolph, Revere, Springfield, and Worcester.

The Fellowship will run from October – June 2020. Fellows will have touchpoints with at least 100 students from the target districts and receive a stipend of $1,500 for their time.

Please reach out to EducatorDevelopment@doe.mas.edu with any questions.

Click here to view a pdf of the application. Applicants must apply online via the link above to be considered.

*InSPIRED Fellows: In-Service Professionals Increasing Racial and Ethnic Diversity


Below you will find links to a list of resources, including national and local Massachusetts programs focused on recruiting and retaining diverse educators. This information can be used to support school and/or district efforts to diversify the educator workforce and pipeline. These lists are intended to serve as a source for information; resources are not endorsed by the Department or any participating school or district. If you know of any promising programs or models, please email amazingeducators@doe.mass.edu with the subject line: Diversifying the Educator Workforce.

Last Updated: October 19, 2020