Standards for Mathematical Practice — Pre-K–2 This guide highlights the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and provides examples for students in pre-K through 2nd grade.
Standards for Mathematical Practice — Grades 3–5 This guide highlights the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and provides examples for students in 3rd through 5th grade.
Standard Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction This guide addresses the progression of standards related to developing a conceptual understanding of the standard algorithms for addition and subtraction, provides examples of addition and subtraction strategies and algorithms, and shows how students' progress toward the standard algorithms.
Common Addition and Subtraction Situations This guide highlights Mathematical Properties, Rules, and Number Sets while providing real-world context and understanding of addition and subtraction problems.
Standard Algorithms for Multiplication and Division This guide addresses the progression of standards related to developing a conceptual understanding of the standard algorithms for multiplication and division, provides examples of multiplication and division strategies and algorithms and shows how students' progress toward the standard algorithms.
Common Multiplication and Division Situations This guide highlights Mathematical Properties, Rules, and Number Sets while providing real-world context and understanding of multiplication and division problems.
Fractions Learning Progression in Grades 3–5 This guide summarizes the progression of standards related to fractions in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics from grade 3 to 5.
Standards for Mathematical Practice — Grades 6–8 This guide describes how mathematically proficient students in grades 6–8 will exhibit the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics.
Standards for Mathematical Practice — High School This guide describes how mathematically proficient high school students will demonstrate the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics.
Quick Reference Guide: Making Decisions about Secondary Course Sequences In this resource, educators will find educational course sequences for mathematics including an accelerated option for school districts to utilize.
These infographics show a clear connection of specific topics across grade levels and how they build from concrete experience to abstract ideas.
1–5 Climbing Measurement Mountain This resource shows the progression of study Progressions of measurement through K—5, from informal forms of measurement to using standard units of measurement, from linear to area to volume, and from using concrete objects to abstractions (i.e. using formulas).
6–8 Path to Proportional Success Infographic This resource shows how fractions on a number line and operations with fraction provide a foundation for understanding ratios and in turn proportions and linear relationships. This infographic shows the increasing sophistication of models.
Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices This resource explores culturally and linguistically sustaining school practices and provides resources for professional learning.
Culturally Responsive Look Fors This resource introduces seven focus elements that are observable in a culturally responsive classroom that could be used to support professional learning, observations, feedback, and/or coaching.
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) This award honors mathematics and science teachers (including computer science teachers) in grades K–6 and 7–12 in alternating years.
aMAzing Educators This resource highlights several state and national award programs for educators, ways to apply and/or nominate.
Green Ribbon Schools Award Schools and districts that are exemplary in reducing environmental impact and costs, improving the health and wellness of students and staff, and delivering effective environmental and sustainability education.
MTEL Prep Courses This resource features targeted lessons, interactive exercises, full-length MTEL practice tests, detailed explanations for every question, rich diagnostic data, unlimited access, and expert instructor support.
License Requirements This resource provides individuals with some basic information about licenses and endorsements offered, including licensure requirements, as well as testing information, required documents, and helpful guides and forms.
Teacher License Types and General Requirements This resource provides individuals with some basic information about licenses and endorsements offered, including general requirements of the license areas.
How to Obtain an Academic PreK-12 License This resource provides individuals with some basic information about the licensure process and assist with getting started.
Last Updated: May 18, 2023