Educator Effectiveness

Performance Review Program for Initial Licensure (PRPIL)

All teacher candidates for Initial licenses must complete either an educator preparation program approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or the Performance Review Program for Initial Licensure (PRPIL). Currently, the only approved vendor to operate a PRPIL for eligible candidates is Etio (formerly Class Measures). The Department may in the future pursue additional vendors.

Applicable Teaching Fields — Teacher Licenses and Levels

5.Digital Literacy/Computer Science5–12
6.Early ChildhoodPreK–2
7.Earth and Space Science8–12
10.English as a Second Language (ESL)PreK–6; 5–12
11.Foreign LanguagePreK–6; 5–12
12.General Science1–6; 5–8
13.Health/Family and Consumer SciencesAll
14.History1–6; 5–12
15.Latin and Classical Humanities5–12
17.Mathematics1–6; 5–8; 8–12
18.Middle School: Humanities5–8
19.Middle School: Mathematics/Science5–8
20.Music: Vocal/Instrumental/GeneralAll
21.Physical EducationPreK–8; 5–12
23.Social Science5–12
25.Teacher of Students with Moderate DisabilitiesPreK–8; 5–12
26.Teacher of Students with Severe DisabilitiesAll
27.Teacher of the Deaf and Hard-of-HearingAll
28.Teacher of the Visually ImpairedAll
31.Visual ArtPreK–8; 5–12

Experienced teacher candidates who have documented educational coursework/training, may also be eligible for this program.

PRPIL Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for PRPIL, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Hold a Massachusetts Provisional (formerly known as Preliminary) non-vocational teaching license.

  2. Completed three years of teaching.

  3. Currently teaching in the subject and grade level of the Provisional license being advanced.

  4. Select a mentor from your school or district who holds an Initial or Professional license in Massachusetts in the same, or closely-related, license area you are seeking.

  5. Complete a Principal Agreement Form

  6. Hold an SEI Endorsement from DESE (Core Academic Subject teachers only)

  7. Present evidence of Completing a Mentor/Induction Program. Evidence must be obtained from the district in which candidates worked in their first year of teaching. PRPIL staff do not have further guidance toward obtaining this evidence.

  8. Present the two (2) most recent Educator Evaluations.

  9. Present evidence of meeting the three indicators in the "Introduce" classification in Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teaching:

    1. 4b: Professional Growth

    2. 4d: Decision Making

    3. 4e: Shared Responsibility

Document types may include Professional Development certificates, undergraduate/graduate transcripts, or evidence of meeting standards through artifacts/documents used in your practice as a teacher such as lessons plans, parents/guardian communications, etc.

  1. Note — the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education requires validation of field experiences for initial licensure. For the majority of teachers, the hours required are demonstrated in full through uploading their resume. However, some license areas require validation of specific field experiences across multiple settings. If you are pursuing initial licensure in Early Childhood, Teacher (All), Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities, or Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities, you are required to provide validation of field experiences in multiple settings. Please see the "Requirements for Field-Based Experience for the Initial License" (part 4 of regulation 603 MCR 7.04) in DESE's Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval Regulations for more information about the required field hours, and/or contact us at with any questions about this process.

  2. Present evidence verifying all subject matter topics listed in the Subject Matter Knowledge for Music document (Music teachers only)

If you are unsure whether or not you meet the state eligibility requirements, please contact Etio.

Program Overview

PRPIL consists of a five-stage review, including onsite or virtual classroom observations and a preservice performance assessment using Department guidelines, in which the candidate works with an Instructional Consultant supplied by Etio and a district coach/mentor chosen by themselves, to compile an ePortfolio. Each stage will evaluate the candidate's ability to:

  1. Demonstrate application of the Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers in the context of their subject area of the license and classroom;

  2. Incorporate the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks into their practice.

Please note that licenses earned through this alternative process may not be reciprocal in states with which Massachusetts has signed the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement.

Candidates are required to pay an program application fee of $75. The full cost of the program is $2,400 and a number of payment options are available. Payment arrangements are between the candidate and Etio. For more information about the program, application requirements, payment options, and information events, please visit the Etio.

Last Updated: January 21, 2025