Educator Effectiveness

Teacher Educator Effectiveness Practices Framework

Join TeacherSquared, in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and teacher educators across the state, for a Teacher Educator Institute on the facilitation of teacher candidate practice. The Institute will be held March 14-16, 2018 and is open to Massachusetts educator preparation faculty. For registration and event details, see the event flyer (link to flyer that is attached). Space is limited, so register today to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Through a collaborative effort with educator preparation providers in Massachusetts and nationally, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has developed the Teacher Educator Effectiveness Practices framework as a resource for identifying, developing, and supporting teacher educators. Teacher educators are individuals who play a formal role in teaching teachers how to teach. They provide instruction and guidance to teacher candidates and are responsible for making judgments about their readiness. Teacher educators hold roles such as course instructors, professors, site coordinators, program supervisors, coaches, clinical instructors, PK-12 supervisors, or PK-12 instructional leaders.

The Teacher Educator Effectiveness framework organizes 16 practices into four domains that are pertinent to the work of all teacher educators, including:

  • Constructing Learning Experiences;

  • Modeling Professional Expectations;

  • Facilitating Practice; and

  • Providing Feedback.

Share your feedback!

This framework is an optional resource that sponsoring organizations can use to inform position descriptions and hiring protocols, professional development opportunities, observation protocols, self-assessment tools, and more. In the coming months, DESE plans to release additional resources aligned to this framework, which will evolve with continued feedback and emerging research. In support of this, we are interested to know the extent to which this framework supports and shapes work within your organization. Share your feedback about its utility in your organization and make suggestions to inform future iterations or DESE resources.

Last Updated: January 31, 2018