Educator Effectiveness

Educator Preparation Programs Directory

One of the requirements for obtaining an Initial Teaching or Teaching Specialist License is the completion of an approved educator preparation program. This requirement can be met in a number of settings. These settings include the completion of a program from a specified College, University, or Alternative/Practice-Based Licensure Program, or through the performance review program. Please use the links below for more information about the different options.

Educator candidates who complete an approved educator preparation program outside of Massachusetts will meet the Initial License requirement by completion of one of the following:

  1. Completion of a state-approved educator preparation program in a state with which Massachusetts has signed the NASDTEC Interstate Contact. In order to facilitate licensure in Massachusetts, check with your institution's Registrar or Dean to verify that your educator preparation program is state approved and is in a state with which Massachusetts has signed the NASDTEC Interstate Contract. If so, you will need a Verification Form completed, signed and officially stamped by your institution as their endorsement.

  2. Completion of an educator preparation program sponsored by a college or university outside Massachusetts that has been accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In order to facilitate licensure in Massachusetts, check with your institution's Registrar or Dean to verify that your educator preparation program has been accredited by NCATE. If so, you will need a Verification Form completed, signed and officially stamped by your institution as their endorsement.

  3. Possession of the equivalent of at least an Initial license/certificate issued by a state with which Massachusetts has signed the NASDTEC Interstate Contract and three years of employment under such license/certificate during the previous seven years.

Last Updated: June 9, 2020