Please note that the CAP Online Platform undergoes standard maintenance from 5:30pm to 9:30 pm every Thursday.
Candidate Assessment of Performance = CAP CAP Manager = CM Teacher Candidate = TC Program Supervisor = PS Supervising Practitioner = SP
View All Answers.
How do I log into the CAP Online Platform?
How do I log in for the first time?
How do I find my username?
How do I change or reset my password?
I'm having trouble logging in. What do I do?
I logged in but I don't see my TC's cycle. What's going on?
How do I start a CAP cycle?
Why can't I find the [TC/PS/SP] I am looking for to add to a cycle?
Why can't I select next when I find the TC/SP that I have searched for?
Is there a delay between when I enroll a candidate in ELAR and when I can start their CAP cycle?
When can I start a cycle?
Our program requires two practicum placements. Can our candidates have two CAP cycles?
I have a candidate who completed a practicum but was determined to be Not Ready to Teach. Can I start a new cycle for them?
How do I complete the Early Literacy Observation Form?
Why can't an SP fill out the forms?
I completed a form but it still says it is Incomplete. Why?
Why can't the TC view a form?
Why can't I fill out my self-assessment form?
Is there a character limit for forms?
Information from my observation form did not save properly, why?
Can I print the forms in the CAP Cycle?
How do I communicate with the TC/PS/SP?
How do I upload evidence?
How do I add a fifth observation?
What evidence is required?
Why can't I upload evidence?
Cycle completion year
How do I end a cycle?
What must be completed in order to end a cycle?
How do I transfer the PS or SP role to a different person?
How do I add a SP in the case of a split practicum (when a candidate has two placements as part of one CAP cycle)?
My Sponsoring Organization is not using the CAP Online Platform. How do I submit CAP data to DESE?
My Sponsoring Organization is using the CAP Online Platform. How do I submit CAP data to DESE?
Who do I contact to report technical issues with the platform?
How do I learn more about the requirements of CAP?
What is the Directory Administration and what does it have to do with the CAP Online Platform?
For all other questions or inquiries, please contact your designated Sponsoring Organization representative.
Last Updated: September 5, 2024