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Educator Effectiveness

Updated Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Guidelines Memo

To:Sponsoring Organizations (SOs) with Educator Preparation Programs
From:Sandra (Hinderliter) Sarucia, Educator Preparation Manager
Date:August 2019

DESE is releasing an updated version of the CAP Guidelines designed to ensure ongoing alignment between the CAP rubric and the Classroom Teacher Rubric in the Massachusetts Model System for Educator Effectiveness. This memo outlines the background, context, and timeline for these updates.

Background & Context

The updated CAP Guidelines incorporate two types of changes:

  1. Updates to reflect revisions to the Classroom Teacher Rubric
    The Classroom Teacher Rubric in the Massachusetts Model System for Educator Evaluation was revised in August 2018 to streamline content, clarify descriptors, and align language. As the purpose of the CAP is to create aligned expectations between preparation and PK-12 employment, the CAP rubric is being revised to mirror the changes to the Classroom Teacher Rubric. An overview of all the changes to the Classroom Teacher Rubric can be found at: 2018 Updates to Classroom Teacher Rubric ; the relevant changes are also highlighted in the updated CAP Guidelines, attached in this email. In particular, page 11 includes the proficient descriptor for each element. The most substantial changes occurred to the element dealing with Well-Structured Units and Lessons. The changes reflect an effort to more accurately describe a teacher's role in identifying and adapting curriculum, rather than emphasizing extensive lesson design and development in the early stages of a career.

  2. The addition of a seventh essential element, Subject Matter Knowledge
    As has been signaled in the expectation to assess content-specific pedagogical skills in the updated Pre-Practicum Guidelines as well as recent updates to the Subject Matter Knowledge Guidelines , an educator's Subject Matter Knowledge is an essential, foundational competency. As with the other CAP Essential Elements, it is necessary for teachers to demonstrate proficiency in Subject Matter Knowledge. A teacher who is unable to be impactful in this element on day one would put PK-12 students at risk. Currently, proficiency in Subject Matter Knowledge is implicitly captured through other elements (e.g. deep content knowledge is required in order to demonstrate proficiency in adjustments to practice); however, this is not explicitly assessed in CAP. As such, Subject Matter Knowledge (1.A.1) has been added as an additional Essential Element in the CAP rubric. Proficiency in this element is described in the following way:

    • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and the pedagogy it requires by consistently engaging students in learning experiences that enable them to acquire complex knowledge and subject-specific skills and vocabulary, such that they are able to make and assess evidence-based claims and arguments.


Given that these updates are consistent with changes being made to programs per the SMK Guidelines and Pre-Practicum Guidelines, implementation will be required in the 2020-2021 school year. Organizations can to opt into implementing these changes immediately in 2019-2020 using updated paper forms, while CAP Online Platform users will not have access to updated forms until 2020-2021.

  • August 2019: Updated CAP Guidelines are released to allow Sponsoring Organizations time to review, understand, and begin preparing to implement these updates. An accompanying public comment survey link is provided, which will remain open through the end of October.

  • September 2019: Updated CAP Forms are available for optional use in the 2019-20 school year.

  • Summer 2020: CAP online platform will reflect the updated rubric language and the additional essential element, such that it will be operational for the 2020-2021 school year (please note: if you use the CAP Online Platform in 2019-20, you will not have access to the updated language or the additional essential element).

  • 2020-2021: Sponsoring Organizations begin implementation of the updated Guidelines

  • 2021-2022 and beyond: Sponsoring Organizations under formal review will be held accountable for meeting the updated expectations (e.g. CAP data from 2020-21 will be considered as part of your review)

2019-2020 DESE Support

DESE is invested in advancing this work during the 2019-2020 academic year by providing support to Sponsoring Organizations. During the 2019-2020 academic year, DESE will host a series of network meetings to engage representatives from Sponsoring Organizations to collaboratively plan for implementation, with a focus on the alignment between these updates and the Subject Matter Knowledge requirements, Pre-Practicum Guidelines, and enhanced support to PK-12 schools/districts in selecting high-quality curricular materials.

Last Updated: August 24, 2020

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