The educator preparation pipeline in Massachusetts is much more racially diverse than the current workforce: in the 2022-23 school year, 19.6% of program completers identified as people of color, compared to 13.9% of the Commonwealth's educators.
Research shows that diverse educators have a wide range of positive effects on all students. In addition to building an antiracist work environment, prioritizing student teachers can be an important step toward diversifying your district's teacher workforce.
Student teachers can play an important and supportive role in addressing staffing needs; however, school leaders and preparation providers must work together to ensure that student teachers are supported in their ongoing development during the critical practicum phase of their preparation.
While student teachers are generally not supposed to fill substitute positions as a matter of course, if considering a student teacher for a short- or long-term substitute position, ask the following questions:
Promising practices and solutions for working with student teachers to address staffing shortages include:
Additional benefits to leveraging student teachers:
Goldhaber, Dan, John Krieg, and Roddy Theobald. "Exploring the Impact of Student Teaching Apprenticeships on Student Achievement and Mentor Teachers." CALDER Working Paper No. 207-1118-1, 2020.
Goldhaber, Dan, and Matthew Ronfeldt. "Sustaining Teacher Training in a Shifting Environment." EdResearch for Recovery, 2020.
Please contact us at with questions, feedback, or for additional support and partnership around any of the practices and resources included in this guide.
Last Updated: January 22, 2025