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Special Education

2019 Special Education Professional Development Series

Courses listed by topic strand

General Course Information: All Special Education PD Series courses must offer a minimum of 67.5 PDPs to educators participating in and completing any Institute. Participants must attend and satisfactorily complete the entire Institute including the Institute project to be eligible for PDPs. There is no partial application of PDPs. There is no difference in work expectations for participants receiving PDPs and those receiving college credits. The course provider will also offer the option for individuals to receive three or more college credits from an affiliated Institution of Higher Education (IHE). Individual participants must pay for any costs for graduate credits. As always, individuals should always review their individual license requirements for their individual license renewals through the Office of Educator Licensure.

Vendors are listed next to the courses they offer through this professional development series. Please contact the individual vendors listed to find out more about their course.

American Sign Language — all four offered by The Learning Center for the Deaf

  • ASL-1. ASL Educational Interpreters: Roles & Ethics; Language, Cognitive, and Social Development; and Mentoring Within the Field

  • ASL-2. Grades K-12 Presenting Math and Science Content in ASL

  • ASL-3. Intensive ASL Training

  • ASL-4. Teaching Literacy Skills to Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and use ASL

Autism — both offered by AANE, The Autism/Asperger Network

  • A-5. The Foundations and Characteristics of Autism

  • A-6. Working with Students with Autism for General and Special Educators

Inclusive Practice

Role Based

  • RB-10. Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Service in Educational Settings — offered by PASS

  • RB-11. Occupational and Physical Therapy: Advanced Practice through Evidence and Collaboration — offered by PASS

  • RB-12. Paraeducators in the Life of the School and Community — offered by Teachers21

Social Emotional Learning

  • SE-14. Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Tier One Instruction — offered by Teachers21

  • SE-15. Supportive School Discipline: Using Restorative Practices and Trauma Sensitive Classrooms to Create a Supportive Learning Environment for all Students — offered by Walker


  • T-17. Assistive Technology and UDL: Tools and Strategies for ALL Students — offered by TEC

  • T-18. STEM Education: Supporting the Unique Needs of Students with Visual Impairments — offered by UMASS Boston

Early Childhood

Last Updated: October 17, 2019

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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